I’ve Never Watched The Old Bond Films | The Modern Hidalgo

and here’s why.
Written: Thursday. July 25, 2019.

This week has been a rough week so far for me when it comes to having to still produce a journal entry once a day, since I’m simultaneously going back and forth from the hospital to tend to my dad, who’s finally cured of his illness, and having to go back to the house to rest and gain back some lost energy for tomorrow. Cause we still have to go back to the hospital.

I say that it’s rough, cause I don’t really know what to write about that would seem interesting to look back on once this daily journal reaches, say, a year or so.

There’s not really much to talk about, other than me spending most of the day at the hospital, reading a book, playing video games on my phone, and also day-dreaming about stuff that I couldn’t control. Because my mind is a fickle thing. It plays games with me sometimes, and reaches within the darker corners of my memory bank, showing me things from the past that aren’t so good to look at.
I can’t help it, this mind of mine.
In other parts of what I did within the day: I’m almost through with downloading all of the 25 or more movies within the James Bond franchise.

The reason behind why I’m doing that is because I’ve never really watched the older James Bond films before. I’ve always just tried to watch the Daniel Craig Bond Films, and never the Connery, Moore, or whomever else portrayed an iteration of the infamous Bond, James Bond.

And maybe also because there’s this one book that I found in National Bookstore, called Carte Blanche by Jeffrey Deaver (I’m not sure about the author’s name. Will fix it afterwards).

I suddenly got interested in the James Bond character, which for some reason, I was never a fan of before. Maybe because I preferred watching the Bourne Movies, cause there were only 5 movies that exist. And that Jason Bourne is a more grounded character, than how James Bond is with his overly-polished shoes and fancy suits and weird gadgets.

Plus, Jason Bourne was kind of the basis for the first character that I had to portray in this Student Film that we did for a friend. I had to play like a Soldier who had PTSD cause he got captured by some rebel group.

The short film was made back in like 2015, but the character that I portrayed back then — I feel like a part of him is still present in me. I made the mistake of using method acting as a way to really dive deep into the psyche of this PTSD Soldier I was portraying. Well, maybe it was also because 2015 was the year that I was just doing nothing, because I didn’t enroll for the school year since we didn’t have enough money to pay off the tuition at the time.

So think of that, plus me having to portray the PTSD soldier. It was bound to take a toll on me. And I think the side effect to my method acting for that character has spliced up within my actual identity as a person.

I feel like I’m this person who’s been through so much, that the events of the past are always gonna haunt me, no matter how much I try to shrug it off, or make those memories go away.
I’m always gonna be that first character I portrayed.
That’s not really to say that it’s a bad thing. I think that there are some factors of that character that is doing good with who I am right now. Like the fact that I’m more productive and am more inclined to do more within the day, is a shadow of what the character was, which is a soldier. Meaning, they had this basic routine or drills that they had to follow, as a sign of patriotism or nationalism to a principle that they believed in.

At least that’s what I think, when it comes to how a soldier should be.

I might be able to show the short film one day. I have a copy of it, though I don’t think that I have the right to share it in public, without the consent of two of my friends who I worked on it with. Maybe someday, once I get to talk to them.

I do wanna talk about the book that I’m currently reading. It’s called Little Fuzzy by H. Beam Piper, as I’ve said on yesterday’s entry.

The book is getting really good, I must say. The first chapters were really impressive when it came to narration. The author really did a good job when it comes to the Fuzzy Sapiens (the main stars of the book). Though when it comes to the others, meaning the human scenes, it tends to get boring sometimes. Though those scenes are still crucial to the development of the story.

Especially once it gets to Chapter 7. Boy, that chapter really sold the book for me. Like, what happens at the end of that chapter, specifically, is what makes this book great.

The story somehow really got more serious, and entertaining, and also sad. Cause something really tremendous happens in Chapter 7. I don’t wanna spoil it. But I can give some analogies.

It was like a scene from Planet of the Apes — the original movies. Generally, the story is really much like the old Planet of the Apes movies, with how human kind treats the inferior race as…inferior. And how we, the readers or the audience, get to sympathize for the other race (the Apes or the Fuzzies).

And I think that’s what makes science fiction stories great. Even if there are fictional elements present in the story, the plot really revolves around a topic of interest involving situations we encounter in reality.

In the case of Little Fuzzy, it deals a lot with our dark history when it comes to hunting exotic animals, and endangering species of animals. Most especially the risk of a species being declared extinct because of our egotistic nature to kill off whatever wild animal we see, for sport.

Word of the Day: Terrestrial.
  • relating to or occurring on the earth.
  • living or growing on land instead of in water or air.
  • sending a broadcast signal from the Earth.
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