So It Is Written; So It Shall Be Done | The Modern Hidalgo

Pizza, Ideas, Studios, Focus, Goals.
Written: Monday. August 5, 2019.

Starting the journal entry a bit earlier than usual. It’s currently 6:46 pm. I do these things after dinner, which is around 8–9 pm. But I figured, might as well get right into it, since I’m not really doing anything right now.

Today, a couple of my cousins, who are old enough that they have their individual families, visited my dad in the house this afternoon.

And they were a lot of people. Here’s a picture.

(from left to right) My Mom, Princess, Gelo, my brother, Pia, Ate May at the top holding her son Bryan, Tita Nati, Manu, My dad, Kuya George, and his wife Ate Joy. (I’m the one who took the picture, obviously)

The older looking person is my aunt. The younger looking people, my nieces and nephews.

Though the age gap is not too far, but far enough that I belong in the young adult section of a book store, if that’s an analogy appropriate for this topic.

These relatives of mine, except for my aunt and my niece wearing the khaki-colored shirt, live in other countries. So I only get to see them once a year or two.

We didn’t really get to properly spend time with them this year, and that is because of my father’s operation, which happened in the middle of when my relatives got to the country.

So while they were spending their back-to-home-country vacation, we were in the hospital, tending to our fathers health.

I honestly thought that we weren’t going to be able to see them this year. But awhile ago, there they were, and I just got happy inside.

They brought along some S&R Pizzas, and a box of J.Co Doughnuts, so I of course, took some slices of pizza, and also some doughnuts.

Though, now, I feel like that second doughnut might’ve not been such as great idea. I still feel full. I can’t even drink a glass of water, cause I feel like I’m gonna explode from all this food inside me right now that has not yet been digested.

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There was something odd that I noticed while I was reading a book awhile ago.

I’m having a hard time focusing on what I’m reading when I’m at home, but when I’m at the hospital, I can dive into a book, and really get deep into losing myself in the words.

I guess it’s the dichotomy of the places where I read, that’s affecting my focus.

When I’m at home, there are a lot of elements wherein I could interact with or just look at for 5 minutes, just because. I could open up the laptop, do some exercise, re-arrange my bookshelf (take note that I only said bookshelf and not bookshelves, cause I only have 1 proper shelf for now. For now…), or watch videos on Youtube, cause there’s internet present in the house.
In the hospital, almost all of the things that could get me distracted, are absent.
There’s no internet. No bookshelf to re-arrange. No laptop to open. No dam-bell to exercise with.

Just pure, bridled, focus for reading.
I need to fix something about my house if this ever becomes a problem to my reading habit. I may need to re-arrange some elements in my room.

I need a room that’s specifically meant for productivity. Like a studio, but not as a place where I record my videos or anything. I mean like a room wherein it is just used strictly for getting focused on writing, or reading, or whatever.

I need that room. But again, I can’t do that yet. Maybe in a couple of years.

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Speaking of which. I’ve lately been having to deal with the idea that everything I want to do, or want to happen or achieve, can’t be achieved in a single night.

And this idea, that I won’t be able to see it happen or make it happen for at least a couple more years, is daunting to think about.
But at the end of the day, I have to accept that it’s just how it’s gonna be.
And still, if I want it to happen in a few years, I can’t just sit idly by, and wait for things to unfold.

Yeah, I need to actually be doing the work right about now, so that in a few years time, I get to where I wanna be.

Most of the projects that I have right now, are probably gonna need like 10 years, before it sees the light of day.

And that’s okay.

I’m only 21 right now. And I’ve accepted the idea that I won’t be able to enjoy life just yet in this age. But give me a few years, when I reach my 30s, that’s when things are gonna happen.

There. I’ve said it. I’ve spoken it into existence.

“So it has be written, so it shall be done.”

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My friend’s coming over today. He’s in need of assistance in editing a video for the prenup shoot that we did a week back. He’ll be spending the night here in the house. We’ll probably not be sleeping at all tonight. Because we have to video-edit.

I’m at a point where I can’t wait for the wedding to arrive. But I’m also a bit scared, because we’re going to shoot the wedding as well.

And I haven’t had the experience of doing that at all yet. So on August 10, it would be my first time to do a wedding photo shoot.

I hope that it’ll end happily for us. I’m hoping as well that I get more than what I earned last time, or at least earn the same as before.

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I’ve been focusing on making videos for my YouTube Channel, since I’m back in the house, and don’t have to go to the hospital anymore, cause my dad’s back home already.

I still have a lot to record, but I’ve done a few videos so far. I just have to record a few more.

Probably gonna wait until I have 10 videos ready, before I start publishing them.

I guess that’s it for today’s journal entry. Not much more to talk about really. I feel like I’ve gone through everything.

Plus, I’m just really stretching this for the thousand words threshold.

No Word of the Day today. I’m not doing that for awhile.

See you in the next one.


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