Prepping for MIBF 2019 | The Modern Hidalgo

The unsure moment of success before the event unfolds.
Written: Tuesday. September 10, 2019.

Tomorrow is the Big Day. Tomorrow is the start of

I’ve been waiting for this event all year long. Not gonna lie, this is one of the only things I anticipate in every year since 2 years ago when I started going to MIBF. There are a lot of things that I expect are going to happen by the next five days.

Day 1: Wednesday.
  • Go to SMX Convention Center (where MIBF is taking place), and enjoy the day surrounded in massive piles of books. I’m going to have to believe in the idea that there would be available electrical sockets where I could plug my laptop, so that I could then dump my video files (videos of the vlog I’ll be doing for the event, and would be posting on my Youtube Channel), charge up my camera batteries, charge up my phone (cause I might still use that for Selfie Video shots, or otherwise known as the “Vlog Shot”.)
    • Going to buy at least two (2) books within the day. Because I would be going back to the event on Friday.

Day 2: Friday.
  • I would just be repeating the same things that I would be doing on Wednesday. Although this time, with more experience. Hopefully, I get to know my way around what to vlog most when it comes to MIBF. Would I be focusing on the people? The Books? The whole damn thing? Probably the latter.
  • I might do some Question & Answer portion for the vlog. Ask some people questions like:
    • What’s their favorite Book?
    • Who’s their favorite Author?
    • What book are they planning to buy?
    • How many are they planning to buy?
    • How many years in a row are they at already when it comes to going to this event every year?
    • Do they know me from Youtube? (They’re probably going to say no…)

Day 3: Saturday.
  • Planning on selling the spare camera that I have for a few thousand pesos—most preferably around 5–6k pesos—at Greenhills, where all things are found and where you can sell anything as well.
    • Hopefully, I could also find a place where they are selling the Canon IXUS 185 Digicam, so that I could buy myself one, and then use that for:

Day 4: Sunday.

  • The last day of MIBF, which would technically be my third day in the event. David might be there. Kurt would be there, since I told him to join me.
  • The Q & A thing might be moved here, I’m not sure. Though based on my own perception of myself, I’m probably gonna bitch out on Friday with the whole Q & A thing, since I’m an Introvert. And would probably do the Q&A on Sunday.
And that’s pretty much it.
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You know the feeling of uncertainty that actually comes from being so certain that things would go according to plan, that you start doubting that possible future, and thus would just prepare for the outcome, which is a failed attempt on an envisioned success for a specific moment in the near future?
Is there a name for that?
I’ve been preparing my mind almost 24/7 on what I’m going to do for tomorrow, that I have this image in my head that the day would probably turn out actually how I envisioned it. And so, with that, I’m totally forgetting that I have to also prepare for the possible future, wherein everything I have planned would NOT happen at all. And everything would NOT go according to plan, and I have to make all of these redundancies in my head, so that if one part of the plan fails, then the others won’t get affected, and would still commence, resulting in pure success. Or at least a half-in-half succession.

I dunno. I’m doomed, I feel. Something will definitely be happening tomorrow that I would have never expected, and would have never anticipated. But I just know that it will happen. I just don’t know WHAT will happen, exactly.

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Today marks the first day, in like 5–6 months or so, of my Dad getting back to work. His actual work in AmKor, where he goes there as an engineer, solving…engineer…stuff. I never understood that branch of knowledge. I was the odd duck in the family. The only one who used more of his Creative Right-side of the Brain, rather than the Logical Left-side of the Brain.

I guess my Dad’s back to normal. Today made that official. I guess everything’s back to the way it was. I am no longer having outside help from my Dad when it comes to growing my Youtube Channel, which he helped grow within the months he was home-bound, because he needed to get bypassed in order for his heart to function correctly.

The air around him seemed back to the way it was back then again. There’s this level of professionalism to be seen, not by the naked eye, but of the more ethereal sense of sight.

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I’ve also finished re-reading Ordinary World by Jose Miguel Arguelles. That last short story really is one of the best in the collection (Where Dreams Go To Die). It’s most definitely the longest of the bunch, and the most ambitious. I think it was the best way to end the collection, as well. It had a lot of scenes pertaining to various food spots in the Author’s home city. A lot of different dishes and menus were told in this story. From the perspective of someone who reads prolifically, those food scenes are the Author’s footprints. It’s him showing you his essence. His point of view. His humble beginnings. Where he grew up in. Where he’s coming from when it comes to his writings. Those little moments of world-building are what I love about reading books.

Getting to read something, and noticing that this might be pertaining to something that the author experienced in his own life, his own story, is what makes storytelling so magical.
Because Story is a Metaphor for Life. And Life is Filled with so much Stories. 

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Oh, and I met up with Kurt awhile ago at Jollibee: The One branch, to return the Noli and El Fili books he lent me for the full length film research that I was supposed to do.

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