The Omnivault: Chapter 10.

Written: Friday. October 25, 2019.

Running for their lives, Toby and his friends successfully arrive back at the school gate. It was already night time. None of them were really able to look back and see if the two strange and very alien-looking beings are still chasing them. Tom tried to open the gates, but it was already locked tightly. Luckily, the gate wasn’t that high up. It sort of formed an arch on the top, and did not have the occasional spikes to keep away burglars trying to enter the school, especially at night. It was a weird design for a school gate, but none of the five students had the time to think too much on the matter, and started to climb the locked gate.

As all of them got to the other side of the gate, they then proceeded to run towards Gate A. But then all of a sudden, a loud crashing sound can be heard from behind them. As Drew stopped to look at where the sound came from, he saw that the gate was now turned to molten metal. The tall alien walked through the hot molten puddle of metal, as if not affected by it at all.

“Shit!” Toby blurted out. “They’re still here!”
“And they’ve got heat resistance!” Tom yelled in reply, as he too saw what the tall alien did.
“Not a good time, Tom!” Toby said to his friend, as he started to run towards Gate A again. Tom followed quickly after.

The entirety of the school campus consisted of three main buildings. The nearest to Gate B would be the Elementary Building. The High-School Building is the one nearest Gate A. And the third main building, the one in the middle corner of the campus, was the gymnasium. There are also two other buildings. One smaller building, near the High-School Building, for the College classes. And the Cafeteria building, located beside the Gymnasium. Our five seemingly un-heroic students are currently in the middle of the pathway dividing the Elementary Building from the High-School building. It’s a very long pathway, but at the end of that pathway, is Gate A.

Since it’s already night time, and there are no more people, even guards, patrolling the school campus, the lights are turned off. So it’s very dark out. It’s hard to actually see where you’re headed towards, or if you’re moving in the right direction.

“Why the hell are there no guards around the school after dismissal time?” Amanda asked, as all of them started to slow down their pace, since it’s dark all around them already.
“They don’t pay the guards that much, I guess.” Toby said in reply.
“G-guys…I-I…” All of them looked towards the ill-sounding voice. It was June. “…c-can’t…brea…”

Drew, who seems to be able to see clear enough in the dark, sees June’s silhouette start to fall down. He immediately rushes towards June and catches her just before she falls straight to the granite floor. “I got you.” The others seem to stop walking in order to see Drew and June. Drew puts his hand in front of June’s mouth. “Guys: not breathing. We’ve got to get this one to a hospital.”

After saying that, Drew starts carrying June with him, and proceeds to walk again. The others follow him. Amanda looks at this. Something’s suddenly hurting in her chest. Am I about to pass out too? She thinks to herself. What is this? What’s happening to m — But then her train of thought suddenly stops as she hears another loud crash from behind her, and starts running again.

They’re almost near Gate A. It was now getting easier to see around them, since the streetlights just outside of the gate were fortunately kept open. As they arrive at the Gate station, they notice that the mini-gate is locked, just like Gate B.

“Of course.” Toby says to himself, as he shakes the gate barbarically, in hopes of jamming the gate open. “Of course it’d be locked.” He looks at Tom, “What now?”
Tom seems to look like he’s thinking, “…I don’t know.” but he isn’t.
“Jesus Christ! We can’t just stay here and wait for those two aliens to catch up on us and blast us to oblivion!”
“Wait!” Tom said. “That’s it! That’s exactly what we’re doing!” All of his friends just look at him. Even June seemed to look somewhat annoyed even while she’s unconscious.
Tom holds his hands up to his friends. “Now I know what you’re thinking. But just hear me out for a second. We don’t have much time.”

* * *

“Are you sure they went this way, Ervagh?” Lady Veergha asked her knave.
“I’m not so sure, my Lady.” Ervagh replied to his queen. “We’ve been inhaling this planet’s atmosphere for quite a while already. I surmise that because of this, some of our senses have been weakened. I can assure this, because from the first moment we encountered the Terrans, I could sense the Orbs within them. They were carrying two, my Lady! Two! They are quite interesting beings. I’ve never heard of their kind possessing such a trait of intelligence as this.”
“Yes, yes. But is that sense of yours still picking up on these Terrans? Or of the Orbs? I don’t need to hear of your Terran curiosities.”
“I’m afraid I can’t sense the Terrans, nor the Orbs, anymore, my Lady Veergha. Although — “
“Although what?”
“It seemed — when I could still sense the Orbs’ presence — that they were yet not activated, my Lady, my Queen, my savior, my — “

Ervagh ceased to speak another word before the Queen, Lady Veergha. He lowered himself, kneeling before her. Head looking towards the floor, hands reaching for the Queen’s feet, as if asking either for forgiveness, or the sparing of his life. Maybe both.

Lady Veergha walked away from her knave. She looked around her surroundings. It was true, what Ervagh had said. The Terran atmosphere was diminishing their heightened senses. A few more Terran hours, and they would be in the same level as the Terrans. Same strengths, same weaknesses. Who knows what might happen to their Neural traits.

She blasted the metal blocking in front of her with her ray. At least our weapons still work in this futile planet. “We shall retreat for now, Ervagh. Pick yourself up, fool.” As she says this, Ervagh kisses the Queen’s feet, whispering a thousand thank yous. “We will find those Terrans again. And once we do, we will take the Orbs that they already possess. And once we do that, we’ll take the life out of their Terran hide. And then the lives of their kindred. And then, once we have collected all of the Orbs, we shall use them to be rid of this planet’s original terra-structure, and make a new Volgan planet!”
“Quite exciting, my Lady Veergha. But — ”
“Now what?”
“Forgive me, my Queen. But there’s something quite off with the way you sound.”
“What do you mean? You’re the one who’s — “ as she hears her own voice, she is taken aback by what is spoken. “…is — this is Terran language! Is it not, Ervagh?”
“I believe so, my Savior! It must be the atmosphere, again.”
“We’ve got to get back to the ship.”
“Do you think we can still turn invisible?”
“My best guess, my Queen, is that we can still shift our appearance. It might be wise for us to take Terran form as we venture around. So that no one suspects of our true nature.”
“So we shall, Ervagh.”

Back in Gate A station, all of the five students are hiding in the sort of Guard’s room, where there are monitors showing the CCTV cameras. A spare Guard uniform hung at the back of the door. There were also a bunch of confiscated gadgets placed inside a cardboard box on one corner of the small room. Amanda had to slap Toby’s hands from trying to fiddle around the box, to avoid making noise, but also because there was that one time she lost a pencil, and the next day, she saw Toby taking it out of his pencil case.

One of the walls of the Guard room was a jalousie window. All four of them, since June was still unconscious, were peeking through it the whole time.

When the two aliens finished talking to one another and went back the way they came, which was to exit through Gate B, Tom looked at everybody. “I told you guys my plan would work! But I guess those aliens were just dumb as hell.”
“They couldn’t sense our presence like back in the landing site.” Toby said in reply. “Because of the Earth’s atmosphere, or whatever.”
“But they could still shape-shift into humans.” Drew said, while trying to see if June had regained her consciousness; to no avail. “We’re not totally out of the radar just yet. At least, maybe for tonight. But they’ll be back. Back for us.”

The room fell silent for a bit, until Tom broke that silence. “Technically, they’re after the metal pieces that we have. Or should I say: The Orbs. WooOOooo…” He did like a cartoon ghost bit. Nobody seemed amused. “No one? Oh come on. You guys are no fun.”

End of Chapter.

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