The Omnivault: Chapter 12.

Written: Friday. November 8, 2019.

June woke up in a very nice bed. But it wasn’t her bed. It wasn’t her room. It wasn’t her bed sheets. So whose are they? She looked around, saw another bed beside the one she was in. Luckily, no one was sleeping in it. Saw a desktop computer on one side of the room. No one was seated at it, either. There was a study table near the windows. A couple of textbooks, notebooks, and writing materials, were placed on top of the table. June then saw the book shelf beside her bed. This was something that caught her attention. She loved reading books. So naturally, she’d be drawn to them.

There weren’t that many books, though. A lot of encyclopedias, dictionaries, old textbooks, a bible on one shelf. Nothing, really, besides the one shelf that contained books she was familiar with. This one contained Percy Jackson books. A few other pocket books she’s seen before, but never really gave interest to. And then some old tattered notebooks.

June picked up a notebook, and browsed through it.

“I see you’ve noticed my study.” a voice said, coming from the door. It was Toby.
“I had just picked it up and haven’t read anything yet.” June exclaimed. Then she just realized, “Why did I just woke up in your room? What happened last night?”
“You passed out,” Toby replied. “can’t you remember? We were being chased by those aliens.”
Upon hearing this, everything came rushing in her head. She remembered running to the school. Having a hard time climbing the gate. And then…and then, “I’m not used to running so fast, let alone while being chased down by extraterrestrials! Thanks for carrying me here. It must have been hard to do that all night.”
“Oh I didn’t carry you. By the way, breakfast is ready downstairs, I’ve got some t-shirts there that could fit you. Just come down when you’re ready.” Toby started to go down the stairs.
“Wait,” June said. Toby went back up. “Who carried me, then?”
“Oh, Drew.” Toby replied, as he started going down the stairs again.
June just sat there in Toby’s bed, grabbed a pillow, planted her face deep inside, and screamed.

* * *

As Toby arrived downstairs, he went and sat in his usual spot in the dining table. And started munching down some left over pizza from last night. Tom, Drew, and Amanda, were sitting with him, eating eggs and fried rice. “I think this is the very first time I’ve had friends over, and also the first time having an overnight party.”
“If you could even call it a party.” Tom said, as he munched down his food. “Sure, there was pizza. But I didn’t see any drinks. Not that I’m complaining or anything.”
“Sure sounds like it.” Toby replied.
“I mean, it depends on your perspective.”
“‘It was nice of your family to let us stay for the night’” Drew said. “is what Tom was trying to say. Right, Tom?” He kicks Tom’s leg under the table.
“What? I’m just saying!” Tom blurted out.

All of them hear footsteps coming from the staircase. It’s June, she’s wearing a large shirt. She looks up and stops walking when she realizes that everybody’s staring at her. “Howdy.” She manages to say. Howdy? Are you for real? She thinks to herself, and goes sitting beside Amanda.
“How’re you feeling?” Drew asked June. “You were out for quite a while. We were starting to get worried.”
June took a plate and started placing fried rice on it, with laser-focus. Not looking at anything else, or anyone else, but the task she’s currently trying to perform. Don’t act stupid, now, June. Everything’s fine. Just answer the question. “I have this thing!” She says out loud. Shit! “It’s…uh, an asthma…thing. Yeah.”
“Oh wow.” Toby then says, “I have asthma too, sometimes. But it’s been a while, so.”
“Yeah,” June immediately replies, “perfectly normal. Asthma, I mean. That’s…the answer…to the-e questio-on!” She then proceeds to take one sunny-side up egg and puts it in her plate, and just starts putting food in her mouth.
“Well I’m glad you’re fine, now.” Drew says to her. She chokes on her food a bit, drinks water to push it down, and just proceeds to eat the rest of her breakfast.
“Since everybody’s here now,” Toby said to the everyone. “I think it’s a good time to talk about what went down last night.”
“Shouldn’t we be going to school?” June asks, though still munching down her food. She looks at the time, “We’re kind of already late.”
“School’s out for today.” Tom replied. “They declared it on Facebook.”
“Well that’s convenient.” Amanda says.
“So we have the whole day.” Drew said. “We should definitely start talking about our game plan.”
“Right! So…wait, what’s the game plan again?” Amanda asked.
“The game plan,” Toby replies. “or just ‘the plan’, was to find the other metal pieces — “
“You mean ‘the Orbs!’” Tom suggests, smiling at Toby.
“Yes, ‘the Orbs’.” Toby replied. “We need to start finding the other orbs before the aliens from last night do. If they get their hands on even just one of the orbs, that would mean trouble for us. Because who knows if they know how to activate the orbs. They probably know more about the orbs than we do. I mean, look at us, we’re just a bunch of high-school students carrying around two extraterrestrial orbs, and one of them isn’t even an orb. It’s a disc.”
“Shouldn’t we try touching them with one another?” Amanda asked.
“Oh yeah.” Tom said.

He takes out his orb. Amanda takes out her disc. She places the disc in the middle of the dining table. Tom puts the orb on top of the disc. After a few seconds of waiting, nothing happens.

“Maybe the orb should go below the disc.” Tom suggests. He takes the disc, balances it on top of the orb. Nothing. “Well that’s promising.” he says, sarcastically.
“Maybe there’s like a password, or something.” June said. She just finished her breakfast.
“Open Sesame!” Tom says. “Abracadabra! Password! One, Two, Three, Four, Five! I’m running out of passwords, guys.”

The disc suddenly starts glowing. It starts enveloping the orb, and becomes one with the orb. The orb is a bit larger now than before. Then the orb starts glowing, and then starts changing shape into…

“a prism!” Toby yells.
“no, it’s a triangle!” Tom yells back.
“A triangle is two-dimensional.” Drew corrects him. “It’s more of a pyramid.”
“I am Omnius!” Toby looks at Tom, who looks at Drew, who looks at Amanda, who looks at June, who looks at everybody. Then everybody looks back at the prism. “What are all of you looking at? Do I have a blemish or anything?”

End of Chapter.

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