This entry was as Meta as it can be | The Modern Hidalgo

sorry about that.
Written: Tuesday. November 5, 2019.

It’s been awhile. It’s been forever. I was sick for about a week, which started last Tuesday. Seemed appropriate for me to add a new entry on the journal a week later.

Not much has happened. There were a lot of days spent just trying to get through the day, because again, I was sick for most of the days. Haven’t been doing exercise. Haven’t been writing a lot. I’ve been reading again since Sunday, but that’s also a tough task to make, since the book I’m reading right now (Jimmy Go by Go Puan Seng) isn’t really an engaging book to read. It’s not really a fiction novel. It’s more of an autobiographical book about this Chinese journalist on the run in the Philippines, because Japanese soldiers are hunting him down, and also other journalists that boycotted them for their military actions way back when they were trying to invade the Philippines.

It’s supposed to be a compelling story to me, cause I’m Filipino and all. But the way the story is told is just mundane. It’s not at all intense or something like that. Even though the story is about a Chinese man on-the-run, it’s kinda boring sometimes. Though I don’t want to put it down, since I’ve put down two books prior for being too boring or convoluted as well.

I dunno. I’m getting more and more picky when it comes to the books that I read, that sometimes, when I get bored with a book, I’d just really put it down and pick up another. Maybe it’s an over-fatigue of reading. Is there such a thing?

* * *

I’ve just been watching cartoons and movies for the past days. Not a lot to talk about, really. I’ve been getting bored. I need to go outside and just be outside more. I’m losing my mind inside this house of mine.

Speaking of being inside the house, I got sick the day after I finished editing the last video that I posted. The Halloween ComicFest video.

So last Monday, I recorded a few more scenes of me explaining the event & explaining the master plan of how I’m gonna do the mission of going to several Fully Booked branches in order to get more comics within the day.

So I did all of that, and when I finished, I opened up the computer (which is where I’m writing this journal right now, for future reminiscing), and started dumping the video files here. While I did that, I took a bath, cause why not?

And then after that, I proceeded to edit the video. The editing took just about a good amount of time in order to finish the project. I’m a fast editor. I’ve only had a couple of times where I had to edit a video in more than a day’s-worth of editing. And then mostly everything else just takes up maybe a few hours of editing, then I post it online and hope I don’t get copyrighted.

It was the morning after, when I started to feel like something was off with my tonsils. It felt sore for some reason, or I dunno. It just felt wrong.

I actually know when I’m about to get sick. I can sense it coming. And long-story-short, I did. But I couldn’t figure out how. All I could think of was the excessive talking that I had to do for the video recording that I did, and the bath that I took afterwards. And the long hours of editing. I overdid things last Monday, and I didn’t notice it.

Mainly because I’ve done that lots of times, and never ended up getting sick anyway. So it was weird for me to experience that. But then again — or I dunno. Maybe it was all the air pollution I inhaled last Saturday, since I ventured through a good portion of Metro Manila that day, so…

But hey, it makes for a good video…that lesser people would want to see and enjoy, than the Richard Gomez Yellow Dick Painting video that I have…But hey, I did something that I was interested in. And that’s what matters.

* * *

Boy, I haven’t written in a while. It’s good to be back. At least, back to writing. Not so much yet with all the other stuff. I still can’t start exercising, cause I’m still taking pills. It’d be bad to do both things. But I am eager to workout again. When I do, I hope I get to do morning walks as well. Heck, just morning wakes are enough to be productive in a day.

* * *
Honestly, I have nothing else to talk about today.
I could talk about The Omnivault, and how it’s getting harder each week to come up with something good to write about. Only because it’s hard to keep track with what’s happened already. I tried to do this thing where I outlined the chapter before having written it. And it sort of made it harder for me to write. It’s this weird thing where you know where you want to arrive at, but you don’t know how to arrive at it.

I mean, I was successful. But I wasn’t able to write about everything that I had written in the outline, only because I reached the word-count mark, which was a thousand words.

And I sort of want to write more than a thousand words for a chapter. But at the same time, I don’t want to go overboard on things. That’s why I just keep it very short.

Maybe in the next couple of chapters, I’ll try reaching a 1500 word count mark. Yeah, that’s an idea I can live by. Maybe I should start it on the 16th Chapter. So that the first 15 Chapters were made in a thousand word count marks.

* * *

If there’s more that I could talk about right now, I’m thinking back on the idea that I had like a week ago, about writing short stories in a mini-notebook that I would buy in Papemelroti.

I might just do that. Regardless of the things I said before.
