The Omnivault: Chapter 17.

Written: Tuesday. December 17, 2019.

“I’ve got no strings,” Omnius started to sing, “to hold me down, to make me fret, or make me frown!”
“What is this metallic imp saying?” Lady Veergha demanded.
“I had strings,” Omnius continued, “But now I’m free — “
“Interesting.” Amanda said.
“What is it, Amy?” Tom asked her.
“He’s singing the Pinocchio song — My name is Amanda, dammit!”
“There are no strings on me!” Omnius danced as he continued singing.
“Why’s he doing that?” Drew asked.
“Hiegh-ho, the merry-o,”
“I was just watching Pinocchio the other day.” Amanda replied. “Back when — “
“That’s the only way to be.”
“Back when Omnius was still a metal disc.” Amanda finished.
Tom looked at her, “why were you watching Pinocchio?”
“What? I like that movie.”
“I want the world to know,” Omnius pushed a button, “nothing ever worries me.” The ship opened up, and Omnius hopped down.
“Where is that thing going now?” Lady Veergha ran towards the exit.
“My Lady, wait for me!” Ervagh started to walk towards the ramp. He stopped when he noticed that the five kids weren’t moving from their places. “What are you Terrans just standing there for?”
“I mean,” Toby said, “We are being held captive, right?”
“Yes, but the Omnian artifact is getting away!”
Toby just looked at the alien, “And?”
Ervagh’s eyes narrowed, “That is an ancient artifact from the planet Omnia I! Though, I’m not supposed to call it that, since we’ve already renamed it as Volga VII. The point being, this walking and talking artifact that we’ve discovered is a very powerful cosmic object, or the most powerful cosmic being to ever exist! We have to capture it!”
“How sure are you that it’s even as powerful as you say it is, though?” Toby asked Ervagh. “Omnius has done nothing but screw around! You know what that thing really is?”
“What, Terran?”
“It’s the most powerful cosmic prank that’s ever been done in the universe.” Toby replied. “You two wasted your time flying out to our world trying to find that thing. I’m going home.”
“Come on, man.” Drew said, “Don’t be like that.” But as he said it, Toby was already walking out of the space ship.
“If only our dormant Volgan abilities worked on your atmosphere,” Ervagh said to the remaining few, “You would be kneeling before us.”
“Yeah,” Tom said, “Kinda sucks to be a human, huh?”
“What do you mea — Oh, because I look like one of you? Okay. That’s fair.”

* * *

As Toby was walking back to school, he saw Lady Veergha chasing after Omnius. If he didn’t know exactly what was going on, it just looked as if a school teacher was playing around with a dancing toy robot. He smiled at the thought of this, and walked closer to Lady Veergha. Omnius was running around, picking up small rocks and throwing them. But he was throwing it like how you would throw a pebble towards the lake, to see how many jumps you could make it do. In this case, the rocks just went flying sideways. Some were hitting Lady Veergha.

She noticed Toby, “This thing has learned to defend itself!”
“I doubt that’s what he’s doing.”
“Help me grab the metallic biped!” Lady Veergha said. “This thing is too quick for me.”
“Lady, you’re wearing heels.” Toby said to her.
“It was a part of the garment I copied from this particular Terran’s profile, child.” she replied. “I’m not accustomed with your primitive culture — “ she trips on one of her heels. “…see what I mean?”
“Whoa!” Omnius shouted. “She totally fell, dude!” he pointed at her and started laughing.
“Unbelievable.” Toby mused. “Here,” he held out his hand down towards Lady Veergha.
“What are you doing?” Lady Veergha observed him.
“I’m giving you a hand, Lady.” Toby replied.
“What good would your hand do to me, boy?” Lady Veergha asked, “I am in no need of another limb. Unless there are some of you Terrans that do have three hands. I haven’t been here long enough, you know. Never traveled these parts of the galaxy that much.”
“Lady, I’m not literally giving my hand to you. I’m offering you assistance so that you can get back up to your feet. Hence, why I’m giving you a hand.”
“I still don’t follow.” Lady Veergha replies to him.
“Take my hand — but not literally! Don’t you go using your magma-hand on me.”
Lady Veergha looks at Toby, still confused, but does what he said. She takes a hold of Toby’s hand. “Now what?”
“Tighten your grip.” Toby lifts Lady Veergha up as soon as he feels her hand tighten. “There, that wasn’t so bad, right?”
Lady Veergha straightens herself. “I see.”
“Do me, next!” Omnius said. Raising both of his hands to Toby.
“I am not carrying you, dude.”

* * *

Back at the space ship, Ervagh was opening up a bunch of crates that contained different sorts of items the four kids couldn’t describe. Ervagh threw some as he was shuffling through. Naturally, Tom grew interest, and picked up the things that were being thrown out. Drew just observed what was happening, as well as June. Amanda was interested, but she didn’t pick stuff up like what Tom was doing.

“Don’t touch that, child.” Ervagh told Tom, as he picked up one of the fallen items. “Now where could I have put that thing.”
“What are you looking for?” June asked the alien.
“I’m trying to see if I still have some leftover food supplies for the four of you.” Ervagh replied. “Since you’ll be staying here with us for quite a while. Though, I’m not quite sure what your Terran palettes prefer, but — Ah!” He takes out a small container from one of the crates. “This might suit you.” He gives it to Drew.
“What is it?”
“Open it.” Ervagh suggested.
Drew opened the container. In it were these small round white things. It kind of looks just like — “Mentos?”
“Wait, what?” June looked at the container, “Why would there be Mentos on your ship?”
“I’m not sure what it’s called.” Ervagh said, “I could only say that it has quite a cold-taste to it. We consume those for when we visit these parts of the solar system, which isn’t a lot. It counters the lack of humidity in your atmosphere.”
“It could be Moth Balls.” Amanda mused.
“Or it could just be regular Mentos.” Tom said, taking one of it out and putting it in his mouth.
“Hey!” June yelled. “You can’t just put stuff in your mouth so easily like that! What if it’s poison! Now that I think of it, this alien literally just gave us an unknown object and claimed that it’s food!”
“I mean,” Amanda said, “If there’s anybody who’d take the fall, you know…better him than any of us. Am I right?” she nudges at June. June just shakes her head at her. “What? Bad joke?”
Tom starts chewing in his mouth. “It’s Mentos, guys.” He moves closer to the two girls, blows a puff of air at them. “See? Minty.”
June looks at Drew, “You’re telling me this idiot gets all the ladies?”

* * *

“So what’s it like?” Toby asked Lady Veergha. “Being an alien and all.” They were walking back towards the space ship. Lady Veergha was carrying Omnius on her chest.
“Our kind thrive on world domination.” Lady Veergha replied.
“Yep, that’s what I thought you’d answer.” Toby said, “You’re not a good conversationalist, are you, Miss Victoria?”
“I’ve already told you my real identification.” Lady Veergha said. “Why do you insist on calling me by this Terran’s denomination?”
“It suits you.”
“It suits me?”
“Yeah, you know. You say you’re a Warrior Queen from your home planet. In our planet, there was once a Queen named Victoria. I don’t really know the whole story. I still need to brush up on my history.”
“I never said I was a Warrior Queen on my home planet.” Lady Veergha said.
“You said you were the Warrior Queen of the Volgan Empire.” Omnius said.
“Yeah,” Toby nodded. “That’s what you said earlier. For once, this thing actually help around.”
“The Volgan Empire is an army. It is not my home planet.”
“Yeah, but it was probably made to serve your home planet, you know? Armies are made to protect places, and the people around them.”
“Then you misunderstand, child.”
“How so?” Toby asked.
“The Volgan Empire wasn’t created to protect the home planet. It was created because the home planet needed to be destroyed.”

End of Chapter.

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