Mecha Anime | The Modern Hidalgo

it’s great.
Written: Monday. January 20, 2020.

I’ve settled for a schedule, unknowingly and un-purposefully, in which I rarely write down a new journal entry anymore. The last time I did, was exactly a week ago.

I should be doing more, really. I feel like it’s already taking a toll on how I write, even to how I think; how that little voice inside of my head comes up with its sentence structures. Or maybe it’s because I rarely speak to anyone anymore unless spoken to.

I don’t talk to anyone online. I don’t go out that often anymore, mainly because I don’t wanna spend too much money until Big Bag Wolf arrives on February 14–24.

My mind is rotting, in such a way. I guess the human condition really does need a little bit of conversational interactions in order to maintain a level of…sanity? Yeah, I’ll put it at that. Literacy might work, too. I dunno.

I’ve been reading regularly, again. Although, not as fast and as enthusiastic as before. I feel like I’m on the verge of being sick of reading. Or maybe it’s just the routine of reading for the sake of reading that’s making me feel mundane about that habit.

I’ve been writing outside of this journal. Well, more of note-taking. I’m currently still watching Combattler V. It’s a mecha anime series that came before Voltes V. And since I’m currently on that path of wanting to make videos regarding the super robot genre, I’m really focusing up on watching this series(Combattler V), and taking notes on Evernote while I do so. To which, those notes will be used (or not, we’ll see) once I’ve finished watching all of the episodes of the series.

There’s little to no source of good quality videos on Youtube when it comes to these mecha anime. Just the usual re-postings of actual episodes. I don’t get why those videos aren’t banned from Youtube. I guess they haven’t caught up with the copyright system. Or Youtube’s just lazy to get rid of all of them.

If you search up Combattler V or Voltes V or Daimos, or any other Mecha Anime out there, you’d find almost the same stuff.
  • episode compilations
  • theme songs
  • ending credits
  • more episode compilations
  • Filipino dubbing
  • English dubbing
Not a lot of video essays or series review, or even retrospective videos — that are actually of good quality, by the way; not just those slide show looking video edits that I can’t stand watching.

This is why I’ve refrained from writing journal entries everyday. Because I’ve been focusing on watching Mecha Anime. That, and it would risk me getting burnt out if I attempted to add a journal entry session every day while I’m watching Combattler V episodes and taking notes while watching them.

Although, I actually wish that I could manage to do both in the same day. I also wish that this back ache of mine be out of my system already. I’ve been feeling this since last Monday. I think I overworked myself the day before(Sunday).

I exercised on a Sunday, which is something I shouldn’t have done. Cause Sundays are rest days, and I’ve exercised 6 days straight before that. That’s why my back felt broken. It’s a bit gone already, but sometimes, and especially yesterday, I could feel myself getting tired of just sitting without my back pressed on a wall. Like, I can’t sit down without resting my back on something. Much like how my posture is right now. My back is pressed on this rotating chair thing that’s mostly used for offices. I can’t really remember where we bought this. It might’ve been bought the same time as the study table I’m using right now for this laptop that I have.

I’ve had this table since I was in High School. Which is roughly 8 years already? Not sure. I want a new one, but this table does the job, so…

Hopefully, this would encourage me to clean up what’s on top of my desk.

*Currently reading Xenocide by Orson Scott Card, by the way. Just a quick update on what I’m reading. I read Alice in Wonderland, but didn’t try to finish Through the Looking Glass, cause from then on out, it was just too random for my taste.*

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I went to SM San Lazaro today. Went to Puregold prior to going to SM. I wanted to look at those laptop tables one would use when they’re too lazy to actually sit in front of a home desk. I figured I’d want one cause sitting on this desk all of the time is beginning to make me sick of it. I want an optional way of using my laptop, and not just mount it on top of my home desk all the time.

Sadly, I didn’t buy one. Again, I’m saving the money I have left for Big Bad Wolf.

I instead went to SM San Lazaro…just cause. I haven’t been going out lately, as I’ve mentioned earlier. I didn’t really have anything in mind on what I was going to do when I got to the mall. But, obviously, I headed for Book Sale, cause that’s always a good place to go. I didn’t buy anything. I mostly just went there to just breathe in the scent of all those second-hand books just waiting for me to take them away from that place. But again, I didn’t do that. I just browsed for the sake of browsing.

I was also looking for a copy of Eragon. I did find a copy of Eldest, but why would I buy a sequel book before buying the first one of that series?

I discovered a few interesting titles, but ultimately, I want to be a smarter shopper with my book buying itch.

I’ll be itching a lot once February hits. That’s already a known fact. Hopefully, I also get to video a lot.

One idea that I want to see fulfilled, is me staying at that event for 24 hours straight. Because that event is literally open to people for 24 hours of the day.

God damn, do I wanna see myself go through that process.

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