The Omnivault: Chapter 36.

Written: Saturday. April 25, 2020.

There’d been a lot of discussions going on in the past few hours that Tom couldn’t quite keep up anymore. When Mr. Reyes and Ervagh started discussing about Transformers, that was about the time his brain decided to just hit the hay and focus on something else. Anything else, he thought to himself. Can’t deal with Decepticons running around our planet right now.

He went to one corner of the room and dialed up the two girls who’s numbers he just got a few hours ago — the ones Drew didn’t pick. He looked up from his phone towards where Drew and June were, and saw that there wasn’t much going on with the two of them, at all. He waited for Drew to notice that he was staring at him, and motioned towards June, who was busy paying attention to the science teacher and his new best friend, the alien squire. Drew shook his head, so Tom gave him an intense look. Drew hesitated for a few more times, before finally letting out a sigh, and moved towards June.

“So,” Drew whispered to her. “how’re you holding up?” June didn’t respond, so he tried saying it again, only in a louder volume.

“Huh?” June looked to her left. “Oh, sorry. I was trying to keep up with what they were discussing. What’s up?”

“That’s what I was gonna ask.” Drew replied. “How’s it going with you?”

“I already told you, I’m trying to listen to the discussion.” June sensed the look on Drew’s face. “There’s something more you wanted to ask, right? If it’s about the date thing, I completely understand, Andrew. Boys will be boys. It’s fine if you don’t really want to — “

“No.” Drew cut her off. “I want to do it. I mean, I want to have a date you — to go out with you, is what I wanted to say.”

“Oh.” June simply said.

There was a moment of silence from where they were standing. Toby, Mr. Reyes, and Ervagh were still busy talking to each other about the transforming orb. Amanda just sat there, trying not to look as though she was getting sleepy. She tried hiding her yawns, but they just kept on going. And each time she did, the yawn seemed to go bigger and longer. Mara was just sitting there, observing every one in the room; including the computers.

Drew looked back towards Tom, who was now busy silently talking to someone on his phone; probably one of the girls he didn’t get to pick. He looked back towards June. The girl who’s number I picked. He thought to himself. “How are you when it comes to Valentine’s Day?”

“I think it’s disconcerting to see so many couples try to sway their partners into partaking in such a holiday. Why’d you ask?”

“I wondered if you’d like to go and disconcert yourself on that day… with me, of course.”

Drew waited a full minute before deciding to speak again. But when he did, June suddenly spoke. “I already said yes, remember?” Drew was about to say something, when June cut him off again. “No movies, no holding hands, and no buying of chocolates or flowers. Hear me?”

“I hear you.” Drew answered. June gave him a smile and nodded.

“Anything I didn’t mention — go crazy.” she said, and looked back towards the discussion.

Drew narrowed his eyes and started thinking of what to do once Friday comes.

* * *

“We never had any other leads as to where the next orb would be.” Toby said to the group who were listening. “We’ve honestly been caught up too much on dealing with the mind-breaching and the side-effects of it all, that we’ve almost forgotten about the other orbs.” Toby scratched his head, and noticed that his friends had the same thought going through their heads. “You showing us these files and telling us about it has put us back in track, sir.”

“Glad to hear it, Luna.” Mr. Reyes replied. “But none of that now. We must focus on our future actions. You say that right now, Omnius is at its third stage? Meaning, there are three individual orbs inside of him?”

“It isn’t really like that, sir.” Toby said. “It’s more of he’s actually the orbs, combined. He started talking when Tom’s piece merged with Amanda’s piece. Then he grew arms and legs, and a robotic-smiley face, when the piece that Ervagh found merged with him.”

“That he may or may not have killed someone for.” Drew casually added. Ervagh looked at him, and he just shrugged. “Just saying. We still don’t know where you got it from.”

“Never mind that.” Mr. Reyes said. “So Omnius evolves every time a piece of him is found and merged with. What do you suppose would happen if we merge the other four pieces that I have in my house?”

“Well, that would probably just add to his — wait. Four pieces?” Toby looked at Mr. Reyes. “What other four pieces? You’ve only just showed us one orb. Where did you find the rest?”

“I told you, I am a man of science.” Mr. Reyes answered him. “On the day of meteor shower, one of the orbs landed in my house. The other three landed near enough for me to obtain, as well. One dropped in the middle of a lake, which took me a couple of hours to carry out of the water. One dropped on the neighbor’s dog. It was quite the scene. The other one landed inside of another person’s garage. They weren’t home at the time, so…”

“Why didn’t you tell us that you have more than one? This could’ve saved us time!” Toby asked.

“I didn’t know if I could fully trust you yet.”

“We told you everything that happened to us in the past few days!” Toby’s voice gradually increased in volume.

“Which is why I am now freely mentioning the existence of the other three orbs that I have in my possession.” Mr. Reyes said. “I didn’t know if it had anything connection to Omnius, until you mentioned the orbs. And now that that’s been cleared out of our way, we must see to it that we merge the other pieces as fast as possible. That way, we’ll know what Omnius’s full form would look like.”

“That’s a great idea!” Omnius said inside of Toby’s bag. Toby shook the bag a bit and closed the zipper. “Hey!”

“You don’t get to talk right now!” Toby said to his bag. “The humans are talking.”

“Speaking of humans,” Ervagh stepped forward, “I propose that we go to Mr. Reyes’s abode immediately, in order to complete Omnius. Also, to complete our mission here on this planet of yours, so that the Princess here and I might finally turn back into our Volgan form. And, of course, be done with you Terrans.”

“What mission is that?” Toby asked Ervagh. “What is it with everybody and withholding information?”

“You’re a practiced liar.” Amanda said nonchalantly.

“With reason. And that’s different.”

“Then it’s settled then.” Mr. Reyes said, gaining the attention of the group. “We shall come to my house tomorrow in order to merge Omnius with its remaining parts. For now, it’s getting late. All of you head back to your homes. As for Ervagh and little miss Mara here… where do you sleep?”

“We don’t sleep.” Ervagh answered. “Not in the same way as you Terrans. We rest, but it’s a totally different situation. The Princess and I shall return to the ship in order to regain some energy. Princess, we’ll be — “ As Ervagh looked to where Mara was seated, he noticed that she had her head down on the table, and her eyes were closed. “What’s happened to her?”

“She’s a human being.” Toby answered him. “Physically, at least. Her body structure might be acting the way a human body would. Meaning, she could sleep like us if she ever got tired. Case in point: she is.”

“I can’t just carry her around while walking towards the ship.” Ervagh said to him.

“Don’t you guys have that invisibility trick going on for you?”

“We lost that ability a few days ago.” Ervagh replied. “We’ve been inhaling your oxygen for too long already. Even I’m starting to feel my stamina getting low from time to time.”

“I guess I’ll just have to take her to myself, then.” Toby said.

“Nope.” Everybody looked towards June. “Can’t happen, dude.”

“Why not?” Toby asked her. “It’s fine, we have space in the living room, and — “

“No. Just no.” June said to him. “If anybody’s gonna take her home, it shouldn’t be a boy. Especially not you, Toby. Look at who she looks like.” Toby looked towards Mara, and slowly lost the wrinkle that was forming on his forehead as he realized June’s point. “It has to be another girl.”

“A’ight, I’ll take her with me.” Amanda said. June looked at her, puzzled. “What? She’s been in my house before… as Lady Veergha. She’s still the same person, though. Right? Even though she just looks like one of our batch-mates?”

“I was kinda thinking that I would take her with me this time, but okay.” June nodded at Amanda’s suggestion.

Mara suddenly woke up, and noticed that everybody was staring at her. “What’d I miss?”

“You’re sleeping with me tonight, dude.” Amanda said to her. “You do still remember me, right? Or am I a blank to you?”

“You’re Amanda.” Mara said to her. “And… I’ve been to your house before.”

“At’ta girl!” Amanda gave Mara a playful nudge to her shoulder. Mara noticed what she did, and thought of doing the same thing. She stood up from the chair, and raised her fist, when Toby held it and quickly put it down.

“You have got to learn that that’s not a thing people do.” Toby said to her.

* * *

Once the long meeting was over, the sky had gone dark purple. Toby said something to Mara privately, and headed on first from the group. Drew and June walked slowly towards Gate A, but never said a word to each other. Amanda waited for Ervagh to finish what he had to say to Mara, before they both headed for Gate A. The ones that were left were Ervagh, Mr. Reyes, and Tom. Mr. Reyes went ahead after he said his goodbyes to Ervagh. So now it was just Tom and Ervagh who were left. They headed for Gate B.

“You’re welcome to stay at my place again, man.” Tom mentioned to Ervagh. “It’s not like anybody’ll notice. Plus, you’re a dude — an alien dude — my parents won’t bat an eye on you. They just happen to care once they see a girl following me around the house and entering my room.”

“You’re quite the Alpha-male of the masculine race, Terran Thomas.” Ervagh regarded him.

“Tommy is fine, my dude. Or just Tom. Never Thomas.” he corrected him.

“Do your nights often take place with a female in your arms?” Ervagh asked him.

“Why the sudden interest in my social-life, dude? You’re not gonna try to turn into me and take over my life, are you?”

“Haven’t crossed my mind yet.” Ervagh said, in the most casual way. Which only made what he said more unsettling for Tom. “How does your kind go about cross-pollinating with your opposites? Does it have to do with the appendage sticking out of your lower abdomen — “

“Whoa, whoa!” Tom stopped him. “You gotta ease up on the terminologies there, pal. Why are you suddenly interested on having sex with women? Human women?”

“I just thought that that was what this other Terran female wanted to do to me. Giving me those strange looks. Kind of looks like this.” Ervagh tried his best to imitate the look Bianca gave him awhile ago. Tom looked away just as quickly.

“Oh god. Never do that face again. To any other dude in this planet. You’ll be meeting the other end of the sexual conversation.” Tom shook his head, as if to remove the image of Ervagh’s seductive face from his memory banks. “Who gave you this look, man?”

“I believe her name was Bianca.”

“Holy fuck!” Tom jumped a little when he heard Ervagh mention her name. “Bianca Favre? You were given the seductive-look of Bianca Favre? Son of a bitch, I’ve never been given that look by Bianca Favre! Aliens do be taking over the planet. Even my sex life is in danger.”

End of Chapter.

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