The Omnivault: Chapter 40.

Written: Saturday. May 23, 2020.

Not a lot of people would understand the nature of multiple universes. There are some who wouldn’t prefer to even think about such complicated things; things of the cosmic nature. One can go mad when faced with such existential thoughts. Trying to comprehend the idea that there are countless worlds, realities, and events unfolding in some other place in time and space unbeknownst to you can be quite an excruciatingly hard pill to swallow. But if one was to openly debate or dabble within the principles and inner workings of multiple realities, one should simply roll the dice, or see if a coin being tossed lands either heads or tails. Whichever the result might be, is the result best fitting for the reality that you are in. It is not a choice that is up to those who make it, but a fate made by forces beyond control.

Cause these forces are controlling you…

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It took a while before all of them got back into the “bus”. The space ship turned itself into a school bus, or rather, it looks like a school bus on the outside, but when you enter inside of it, you’ll see the interior designs of the space ship. Even the dimensions are kept the same. Ervagh explained it to the kids that it was just another neat trick their ship could do, and that Toby shouldn’t ask anymore questions as to how it happens or what other kinds of stuff the ship could do that they still haven’t seen been done. This wasn’t a road trip. But since that was the lie, every one played the part until it was clear to get back on track.

June pretended to pack up a bunch of things she’d probably bring in an actual school field trip, which only made things worse for her. She didn’t want to talk to the others, mainly because of the predicament she’s in, but also because she felt like wanting to get a few more minutes of sleep to get her spirits up. And probably also her tolerance to what’s up ahead.

“I can’t believe you guys had me packing up so many things for this stupid hunting mission.” June threw her bag, which contained all of her stuff, to the ground of the bus. “I’m not even gonna ask how it is that this ship looks so different on the outside. I’m gonna get some goddamn sleep, and I’m gonna get my fucking privacy. Stay the fuck away from me.” She looked directly at Tom when she said that last bit.

Tom looked away and shrugged. “I mean, it’s not my fault you people don’t lock the door whenever you’re — “

“Shut the hell up, Tom. I don’t wanna hear any of it.” June settled herself on one corner of the ship in preparation for her power nap. “Whatever you saw, you keep it to yourself. If I so much as hear a sliver of detail from Toby and Drew, I’l’ destroy the living shit out of you. I’m gonna go get some rest now. Good fucking night to all of you.”

Toby raise a finger, “Uh, it’s actually the middle of the da — “

“I said shut it!” June yelled out. Toby lowered his one finger. June proceeded to close her eyes and face the wall of the ship.

There was silence inside of the ship for quite a while. Toby and Drew conversed a little about their plan of attack once they find the Quadmius. Tom played on his phone. Playing, meaning he was back to texting a couple of girls at the same time to see who he’d get to bring to spend Valentine’s Day with. Mara was looking at Toby, and Amanda was getting more and more concerned for her. June bolted up from her sleep.

“What was that?” she asked the room.

“What was what?” Amanda asked her.

“Didn’t you hear that?” June said, she stood up from the floor and walked to the cockpit. “Show me that map of yours.”

Ervagh opened up the holo-projected map display. The blue dot was now right beside the red dot. “We’re close.”

“How’d you know?” Amanda asked June.

“Girl’s got mad sensitive senses.” Toby replied to Amanda. June gave him a subtle nod. He then went to the ship’s ramp and opened it up.

Strong wind entered the ship. Toby looked down to see where the Quadmius might be, which was made easy be the trail of smoke coming up from one part in the city. Several streets were up in flames, various shops and restaurants were being evacuated by people. Toby noticed a McDonald’s sign that was burning, as well as Jollibee, Burger King, and KFC. Well, at least we know one thing, He thought to himself. The dude doesn’t like fast food. As he was about to go back inside and close up the ramp of the ship, some in Toby’s mind suddenly clicked. He hit the “open” button again and peered down towards the city. The scenery before him was like something he’d seen countless times before. Buildings being turned to rubble. People running for their lives and screaming. And at the center of it, he saw the last remaining piece of the puzzle, jumping from one block to the other. His thoughts went back to the video he saw on Tom’s phone, and finally knew why it made his skin crawl when he watched it. He looked at the dark figure recklessly breaking everything in front of it. This one was smaller, but to Toby, that didn’t matter now. This is the one. The monster in his dreams.

* * *

All of these little ones running away. Running away from me. Why are they running away? But they should. There is no other thing they should be doing, other than run away. Run away. Run away from what is to come. What is to come? I suppose that is me. I am coming for you.

* * *

“So what’s the plan?” Tom looked to his friends. They were all huddled up in the middle of the ship. Ervagh had set the ship on auto-pilot to follow the Quadmius. Mr. Reyes was the first one to answer.

“The goal is to capture the Quadmius.” he said. “And then… and then — “

“And then what?” Tom asked. “Is it even possible to get that thing stable? It’s not like we could just handcuff him and expect him to stay put. That thing’ll destroy us. It’ll destroy this ship if we even think of putting it here.”

“That’s exactly what we’ll do.” Ervagh said. “I think we have a few things that could keep the Quadmius at least sedated for a few hours. That’s to assume that we’re able to capture it in the first place and not end up being the one’s to be pummeled to the ground, like those structures from below us.”

“Toby?” Mara uttered. She was standing behind Amanda, but her voice was heard by everybody in the circle. Everyone looked at Toby, who was just standing there, unfazed by their attention to him. He looked up and noticed it for the first time, and blinked a few times, as if to remove himself from a trance. “Toby, what’s wrong?”

Toby stood back a few steps. Everyone’s heads followed him. He took a deep breath. “What?”
“What’s on your mind?” June asked him.

“A lot of things.” Toby answered her. He started to pace around. “But right now, just the one thing that’s always been in my mind for three years. It’s this moment, this very moment. This is the start of the dream.”

“What,” Drew said. “you mean the dream?”

Toby nodded to his friend. “That thing back there is the monster that’s been inside of my head for as long as I could remember. And now it’s back. No. It’s arrived.” He looked to where Omnius was. He was playing with Macrodon, not really paying attention to what was happening, or what they were saying. “Who are you?”

“Hmm?” Omnius looked up at Toby. “What’s that?”

“I said,” Toby kicked Omnius, “Who are you? What are you? Are you like that thing? Are you that thing? Are you the monster in my dreams?” Toby kicked Omnius again. Omnius skidded to the floor of the ship. He let out a few noises that were probably his screams.

“Toby, stop it!” June scream at him.

“Tell me what you are! Right fucking now!” Toby yelled at the top of his lungs. “I swear, if I’m right, you’ll — “

“You’ll what, exactly?” Tom asked him. “It’s not like you were able to do anything different in that dream of yours, except to watch it all happen before you.”

“We have a chance to change things.” Toby said to him. “Right here and now. This is the moment. We can change the outcome of that future.”

“We don’t know if what you’re saying is remotely true or not.”

“Oh come on, Tom! Look at the evidence!” Toby pointed towards the ramp. “That thing out there is destroying our town. People are running and screaming. Are you gonna wait for the fucking sky to turn red? Or may I remind you that you don’t end up alive in the dream of mine.”

“I repeat: There’s no telling whether your stupid fucking dream is what’s gonna happen in the future. So why don’t you just fucking sit down and let us handle this shit out, okay? Clearly you’re way out of your head. Fucking crazy ass mother — “

Toby clocked Tom on the side of his face with his right fist. Tom’s head bobbed to the side, but immediately turned back straight. Tom grabs Toby by his collar and sends both of them onto the floor. The ship shook as they landed. Tom and Toby both punch each other out. The others tried grabbing one and the other away, but both held each other firmly enough that it was near impossible to stop them from beating each other up. Toby coughed up blood from his mouth, and the bottom of Tom’s eye was cut and bleeding. June and Amanda were screaming for them to stop it, but both seemed not to hear anything else but the sound of their fists hitting one another.

Then a sharp shrieking noise appeared from behind Amanda. Mara was screaming at the top of her lungs. Her eyes were crying heavily, with tears flowing down her face. Her hands were held up to the sides of her head. She was screaming for them to stop. June and Amanda held her and tried to make her stop screaming. But she kept on doing so, that eventually Tom and Toby noticed. They stopped punching each other out, but Mara kept on screaming.

“Stop it! You’re hurting him! You’re hurting me!” Mara kept yelling out. The ship seemed to vibrate as Mara’s screams reached a certain point. Toby removed himself from Tom’s grapple, and walked towards Mara.

“Hey, hey. Stop that! Stop screaming! The fight’s over!” He kept telling her.

“Stop it! I said stop it!” Mara continued to scream.

“What the fuck’s her problem?” Tom said.

“Can you fucking shut up for once?” Toby yelled at him.

“Oh, you’re asking for round two, fucker.” Tom raised his fist at him. Toby was about to do that same, when a hand grabbed his arm.

“What the — “ Toby looked to who’s hand it was, and saw that it was Mara.

“I said,” Mara’s eyes started glowing. Her body started floating off of the floor. “STOP!” The ship’s control panel started glitching. The lights started going on and off. There was an extreme force coming from where Mara was. Toby and the others were now all trying to make her stop, but Mara’s eyes only glowed brighter.

“What the fuck is happening to her?” Tom asked.
“Mara,” Toby said, trying his best to sound calm but loud enough for her to hear. “Mara, you have to stop. What you’re doing is dangerous! We might get — “

And before anyone could say anything more, everything turned black.

End of Chapter.

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