The Omnivault: Chapter 44.

Written: Saturday. June 20, 2020.

Toby woke up to the sound of a girl’s voice. He recognized this voice all too well. But as to why he was still hearing this voice right now, he couldn’t fathom why.

“Get up.” The girl said to him. Toby rubbed his left eye, as if just waking from a long dream. There were other noises too in the distance. Like metal hitting pavement, of people screaming and shouting, their shoes hitting stones. “Get up.” the voice said once more. Just five more minutes, Toby thought, as he tried to block out the noises that he heard. “Get up!” He bolted upright, and realized where he was.

Toby was back inside of the spaceship. He looked around, and saw that the others were awake as well. He also noticed the sudden vibrations that were happening inside of the ship. Like that scene from Jurassic Park, when the T-rex showed up for the first time in the rainy night, and everyone was trying not to make a sound. Or so that was what came into Toby’s mind at that instant. The vibrations became tremors, which finally made Toby more awake.

Tom and Drew had been looking out from a hole in the wall of the ship. A new hole. Not the one he had made a few days ago. Ervagh was restlessly pushing and pulling buttons and levers on his control panel, trying to figure out the extent of damage that’s been done to his ship, and how long before he could get it flying again.

“This is unbelievable. Unbelievable!” Ervagh said, as he fumbled through the control panel. “We visit your planet for like, what? A few mere Terran days? And there’s already been two instances of this ship being damaged. If it comes to a third, we’ll be for sure stuck in this rock for good!”

“Quit your mindless ramblings, Ervagh, and get to the repairs as much as possible.” Toby looked at who had been talking. The voice belonged to her, but what she said was from someone else entirely. He looked up, and saw that it had been Mara talking. But why did she sound different? She sounded more like —

Toby gasped. “Lady?”

“Glad you’ve finally joined up, Tobias.” Lady Veergha told him. “You were the last one to wake up, apparently. Though such and such as happened while you were still under, I’m afraid. Nothing we haven’t handled in the past week.”

“How are you — why do you still look like her? I thought — “

“I was a bit let down by it as well, at first. But there’s no time for that now. One of your peers acquired the Xigonian Inheritance. She may be under strong aggressive emotions. Much like you’re fist encounter with the Xigonian Inheritance, yourself, if I recall correctly.”

“How come I didn’t get that one this time around — wait, ‘she’? Who did the Fire abilities go to this time?”

“I believe it was the one that had a weird apparatus in front of her visual — “

“June!” Toby stood up and went towards where Tom and Drew were standing. They too were in a bit of a daze. As if they had just woken up from an all-nighter. “Where is she?”

“She’s gone.” Drew answered him. He seemed to be looking at his arms. Toby then noticed the odd texture forming on Drew’s entire body. “What’s happening to us, Toby?”

Toby stepped back, and saw that what was happening to Drew, was also happening to Tom. There were a dozen smaller holes appearing around his eyes. Toby almost wanted to look away, because it sort of reminded him of — “Spiders.” he murmured to himself. He glanced at Lady Veergha, who was also in Mara’s image. He tried not to look at her at eyes. “Which ones do they have? What do I have this time around?”

“Terran Thomas gained the Gatoprimian Inheritance, which I gained from the Insectoid planet.”

“So like Spider-man?” Tom asked her. “You saying I have spider powers now?”

“More like ‘The Fly’.” Drew said to him. “Much more frightening. But hey, you might be able to crawl on walls with that. But also have parts of your body fall off cause you’re turning into an insect.”

“Nothing so remotely disturbing as that, Terran Andrew.” Ervagh said to him. “He just morphs into whatever insect he so imagines… if provided he knows how to do so.”

“This’ll be a cakewalk, my dude.” Tom said. He looked at Drew, “I mean, my Groot.”

“What are you — “ Drew looked at himself, and saw what Tom meant. “Am I a Treant?” He asked aloud, as he then realized what he was turning into.

“Hmm, the Darovian Inheritance.” Mara pointed out. “Don’t worry, that’s the least destructive one of the lot. Think of fruit, always. And there shall be fruit.”

“What?” Drew asked her. Then a bunch of apples started falling off of his elbows. “Goddammit. Alright, what else can I do?” he said, as a string of web latched on to his chest.

“Sorry!” Tom scratched his head, as a strand of silver string hung by his wrist.

Toby let out a sigh of stress, “What did I get, Lady?” He asked. “What else was there in your inventory?”

“Look no further towards the floor, and see how high up you are.” Lady Veergha replied to him.

Toby looked down, and realized that his feet weren’t even touching the ground. “Oh, Airbending. I see.”

“All you have to do now is go bald, my dude.” Tom said to him.

“Very funny.”

“It’s better than vanishing when everyone needs you most.”

“I don’t follow.” Lady Veergha said to them.

“Don’t mind him.” Toby said to her. “He’s got eyes for days.”

“At least I have powers. What’s yours? Breathing?”

“Focus!” Drew yelled at both of them. Toby and Tom stopped bickering with each other.

“Right.” Toby said, “Well, we have to find June. She’s probably going nuts somewhere with the powers she’s got.”

“She kind of went haywire awhile ago when all of us woke up. If it weren’t for the hole Amanda made here, she wouldn’t have — “

“You’re telling me June didn’t create this hole?” Toby pointed at the large hole on the wall of the ship. Ervagh let out a silent sigh, remembering that he still had that to take care of later.

“Yeah,” Tom said to him. “Amanda was the first one to go berserk. If you saw what she turned into, you’d be in shock as well.”

“Why, what did she turn into?” Toby asked. He looked to Lady Veergha. “Which one did she Inherited?”

“I’m not sure.” Lady Veergha said. “I was still a bit dazed when I noticed someone clawing their way out of this ship.”

“Like, in all honesty,” Ervagh turned his chair towards them. “do none of you understand the use of a ramp?”

“Not the time, Ervagh.” Lady Veergha replied. Ervagh let out inaudible murmurings as he turned his chair back toward the console. Lady Veergha looked back on Toby. “By the strength it would’ve took to make a dent on this ship, I’d say your friend has the Yalmian Inheritance.”

“Which is?”

“She can turn into any bestial form she imagines herself as.” Lady Veergha answered.

“Like Udyr,” Tom said. “But with Shyvana’s Ult.”

“Can we stop it with the pop culture references for a while and focus up on what’s happening?” Toby said to him.

“Hey man, just saying it as it is. You would’ve thought the same thing if you were awake to see it happen.”

“Well that time’s passed now.” Toby moved towards the hole and looked out from it. He saw the rubble and the broken down buildings. Fire everywhere. People screaming and hiding. The sky wasn’t red, so it isn’t fully like the visions he’s been seeing in his dreams for so many years. Not yet. “Okay, game plan.” Tom and Drew moved closer to him, so did Lady Veergha. “We try finding the two girls as fast as possible. We don’t know how much damage they’ll be able to do to the town. We’re already dealing with a strong enemy with the Quadmius. So we better split up and — “ Toby then noticed something in the room. “Where’s Omnius?”

* * *

“Let go of me!” Omnius yelled, as he was being carried away. “I said let go of me, you strange old man!”

It’s been quite a while since Mr. Reyes took Omnius out of the ship with him. He was running as fast as he can towards where the people were running away from. He didn’t stop to hide Omnius at all, given that everyone else was busy trying to hide and run away to safety. One thing was clear in his mind, though. I have to get to it. “Now is not the time to be afraid, little one.”

“What the fuck are you talking about you crazy hermit!” Omnius yelled at him and struggled around. But Mr. Reyes’s grip on him was absolute. “Let go off me and turn back around to where we were before! My friends are waiting for me!”
“They’re not your friends, my dear. They’ve mistreated you too much. Yet your infant stage lets you think they’re merely playing with you and having fun. That is not the case you see. Oh, that’s all going to be fixed by the time we get to your other half. Oh, it will.”

“I still have no idea what you’re talking about, but for whatever it is, I don’t wanna have anything to do with it! You hear me! So let me go, now!”

“Quit your yapping, you twat! To think that it was that easy for me to find the last remaining pieces of the Omnia Codex. How lucky I am!”

“Still sound like a crazy old fool. But whatever.”

“That’s quite alright, little one. No one’s ever really understand my greatness anyway. But once I attach you with your bigger half, and truly transform into the malevolent being you truly are and are destined to be, only then will my research be for certain to not have been for nothing!” Mr. Reyes followed the sounds of cars crashing, of people screaming, of the vibrations on the ground as something huge is roaming around somewhere near his position. He was almost there. It was close, and getting closer. As if the presence of its smaller half seemed to provide direction.

* * *

What is that? What is that feeling? Like a sensation. A gravitational pull. What does that mean? Where is that coming from? Why is it calling out to me? A piece of me. That’s it! That’s what I’ve been looking for! What I’ve always been looking for. They disturbed me — disturbed us! But now that we’ve found the right place. And oh, what great timing too, shall we wreak havoc in this new world and all who inhabit it! This will be mine. Yes. Oh, these feelings are quite right. Quite true. Like a force of fate. A destiny I must fulfill. Or have fulfilled? Will fulfill for countless times after. It makes no sense, but all the sense as well.

I am here. My other parts. And I will soon be whole again. For when that happens —

* * *

Mr. Reyes stopped where he was. He could see its silhouette from a few blocks away. The massive object seemed to stop as well. Omnius noticed that the old man stopped moving. But there was also something else that he felt. What was it? It felt weird, but it was there, nonetheless.

Well, well, well. A voice said from somewhere near.

“Did you say something?” Omnius looked towards Mr. Reyes.

Not him, me.

“Okay, who’s there? How are you doing that?”

“I haven’t spoken a word, little one.” Mr. Reyes said.

“Then what was that just then? My conscience?”

I’m more than that.

“Yeah, well, to me you’re just a voice in my head. Oh, wow look at that big ol’ boy down by the street — “

That’s me.

“That’s you?”



Why not?

“You’re kidding.”

No I’m not.

“Oh I think you are. Get out of my head.”

Get out of mine.



End of Chapter.

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