The Omnivault: Chapter 51.

Written: Friday. August 7, 2020.

June and Toby saw the Fjankhetto slowly walking along a river of lava. It’s massive height and scale made it easy to see, but almost to frightening to look at, at the same time. June started feeling the same feeling she felt the first time the Fjankhetto appeared in full form. Back then, they were looking at it from way down on the ground. It looked huge by default, but even as they were flying in the sky, the Fjankhetto seemed to be an even more terrifying thing to look at now. It looked like a malformed version of Godzilla. Like every single Kaiju it ever fought decided to merge itself with Godzilla, and that is what Fjankhetto looked like, but even more dark and scary. It looked around, as if it sensed that they were approaching it. June just looked as the Fjankhetto raised its enormous arm up, and knocked on the space ship Lady Veergha and the others were in.

Oh no! June thought, as she saw the ship getting damaged.


On that very second, a massive tornado-being swooped in and interrupted the monster’s speech.

“Shut the fuck up!”

June noticed that Toby was now in his full form, which was a flying tornado-being. The outline of his body was still present, but June no longer recognized Toby as a human-being. She then looked down on herself, and saw that she too had become the fullest version of what her abilities could do. She was a flaming hot entity floating in the air. She didn’t feel the heat of it all. She might’ve even felt cold because of seeing the Fjankhetto.

AH YES. The voice continued in her head. She looked around to see where it was coming from, but then realized it was the Fjankhetto’s voice entering her thoughts. Is everybody hearing this? THE FOOLISH BOY WHO THOUGHT I’D BRING HIM HIS SALVATION. The Fjankhetto let out a deep chuckle of laughter; dark and intimidating it was to hear. AND LOOK WHAT I’VE BROUGHT UPON YOU NOW. YOUR DAMNATION!

“What in the hell did I just say to you?” Toby yelled at the top of his lungs…if he still has any. “I told you to shut the fuck up, didn’t you hear?” And then he hurled a mighty breeze of air towards the Fjankhetto. And then another, and another, and another, until he tired out from it. “Stupid. Fucking. Powers!”

“Toby, stop it!” June yelled out, as she moved towards him. “We need a plan of attack.”

“No!” a metallic voice said from behind. It was Amanda, in her full metal form. She looked like the Silver Surfer, only that her body was not silver, and she didn’t exactly have a board to surf with. Instead, she was being by Tom, who had her by the feet of his full insectoid form. “We do this now! Tom, hurl me towards the damn thing!”

“You got it, Magneta!” Tom whirled around in circles and tossed Amanda up towards the monsters hide. She landed a punch on the Fjankhetto’s face, which made a loud bang, and also slightly made it turn its face sideways.

The monster growled because of the pain.

“Holy shit!” June yelled out. “That actually worked!”

GUESS AGAIN! The Fjankhetto said, and swung its head where Amanda still was. She braced for impact, but the hit still sent her falling out of the titan’s face. THAT TICKLED, TIN GIRL! WHAT ELSE YOU GOT?

A bolt of lightning suddenly hit the Fjankhetto in the head. June looked to where the lightning was coming from, and saw Octopoda levitating in the air inside of a purple bubble. She saw that Tetsu and Macrodon were also floating inside of those purple bubbles. But there was no sign of Sphen the Penguin anywhere. Octopoda’s staff surged with power as the lightning bolts increased in strength.

“Take this, you foul beast!” Octopoda announced to the being. “May the Source make you meet your maker!”

“Everybody who has full control over their powers,” Lady Veergha’s voice announced from the space ship, which was being patched up by a fully Perma-frosted Ice-armored Sphen. “Deal whatever damage you can on the Fjankhetto. If there’s one thing we have on that thing, it’s our strength in numbers.”

WHY YOU! A disjointed voice announced in their heads. The Lightning bolts seem to be working. WHERE DID THOSE FREAKS COME FROM?

“Foul Beast!” Macrodon yelled out, as his purple bubble moved through the air. “You shall face the wrath of my sword!” The bubble popped open, and Macrodon swung his legendary weapon up high and slashed at the Fjankhetto once it landed on a part of its mass. It hit directly towards the monster’s shoulder, slashing its way down like a newly bought knife is to a loaf of bread. The Fjankhetto’s armored body was deeply damaged by Macrodon’s blade.

“Ha ha!” Macrodon announced out loud, as it looked up to where the blade had slashed through. “Take that, wretched swine!”

HA HA HA HA. The Fjankhetto laughed as the damage on its body slowly healed itself. Octopoda’s lightning bolts stopped firing at that moment. YOU THINK MERE SWORD AND SORCERY COULD BEST ME? AM I A JOKE TO YOU?

Suddenly, the world shook as the Fjankhetto landed its massive fist on the earth. It grabbed piles upon piles of broken down buildings, and hurled it towards those that were in the air. Flying debris flew everywhere. June and the others that were flying in the air took evasive maneuvers as the rubble flew passed them. She was about to get hit by a large boulder, when a strong gust of wind blew the thing away from her.

Toby focused all of his strength into gathering up as much debris as he could, and swung what he gathered onto the Fjankhetto’s face. “What goes around comes back around, bitch!”

* * *

Meanwhile, Sphen the Penguin was busy trying to do an upgrade on the space ship. The ship gained damage as the Fjankhetto knocked on one side of it, and that was the main thing Sphen had to deal with, before he could start trying to change things up on the ship, to give it a few new skills to use.

“How much time do you think you’ll need in order to fix this ship, flightless bird?” Ervagh said to Sphen.

“This bird can fly, mind you.” Sphen replied, as he was focused on opening up parts of the ship’s interior wiring. “Just not in the traditional way that other birds fly. Now, if I could just fix up that dent the monster made, I could begin preparing for the upgrades.”

“What kind of upgrades are we even talking about here?” Ervagh said, as it tried to maneuver the ship so as not to hit any of the remaining debris Toby wasn’t able to move out of the way.

Lady Veergha was gearing up as the two were busy with their own duties. There were a lot of weapons she could use inside of the ship that could help fight off the Fjankhetto’s attacks. She decided it would be best to remain in her natural form for the time being, before she resorts to her remaining inheritance, which was the power to become any type of beast she could think of.

She opened up the ramp and jumped off of the ship, activating the jet-pack behind her suit. She flew past a bunch of flying debris. From time to time, she would deactivate and reactivate the jet-pack depending on what her stance was. She rapidly ran and grabbed hold of mid-air debris and leaped off onto the next, using the jet propulsion to help her move freely in the asteroid belt.

The gravity of the Earth was close to non-existent at this point, so the debris remaining levitating off the ground, which made this much more difficult for the ship. Ervagh settled the ship to a location just outside of the asteroid belt, but even so, the debris were rapidly changing its course, and Toby was also using them to hit the Fjankhetto, which was causing smaller debris to fly off of the monster’s hide and into the sky.

“Can’t that boy manage to try a different tactic?” Ervagh said to himself, as he was getting annoyed with having to move the ship to other parts of the sky. “How are we doing back there, Penguin?”

“I’m just about getting finished.”

“What?” Ervagh looked back, and saw the tremendous change the ship’s interior gained. There were a lot of lights and gizmos present in the ship now. Sphen was still building something out of the scraps of the ship, which surprisingly turned into something else entirely. He managed to create weapons and ammunition out of nothing, which was entirely untrue, cause Ervagh realized there was also an amount of the ship that’s been fully destroyed and turned into something else. “What have you done to the ship!”

“What I’ve done, my friend, is provide us with tools to fight with!” Sphen tossed a giant gun towards Ervagh. Ervagh struggled to hold it up. “Put the ship on automatic standby and allow yourself to provide help to the humans outside.”

“But I don’t even know how to use this thing — “

“Just press the trigger, you inferior being!” Sphen shouted at Ervagh, and proceeded to exit the ship through the open ramp.

“But you can’t fly!” Ervagh yelled out to the Penguin, just as he saw the mechanisms on his back turn into a giant jet that made him fly. “Hmm, I see. Non-traditional flight.” Ervagh grabbed an unused scrap of metal, and proceeded to break the windshield of the ship. He let out a sigh. “I’ll just fix that later. Like I always do.” He then started firing the the massive being. “Take this!”

* * *

Before they went out of the ship, and before everyone started attacking the Fjankhetto, Drew was tasked by Lady Veergha to land himself onto the Earth once the ramp was opened up.

“Your mission is to use your abilities to activate the remaining plant life inside of the planet.” Lady Veergha said to him. “Trust me when I say that vegetation is the last thing that dies out on planets, especially on Earth.”

“I’ll refrain from asking why you’d know that.” Drew said to the Lady. “What then? So what if I get to find plant life on Earth? What do I do with it?”

“You mentioned something about talking trees on that one Terran culture archive footage you seem to appreciate.”

“Lord of the Rings?” Drew asked. “You want me to make a bunch of Treants to fight off the Fjankhetto.”

“I was thinking more of the other thing. What was it — the Wizard of Oz? Was that what you mentioned awhile ago? Or was it the other Terran.”

“Oh my god,” Drew exclaimed. “Why doesn’t anybody like Lord of the Rings! Never mind. So you want me to create life with these abilities?”

“It’s what it does best, Terran Andrew.” Lady Veergha replied. “You don’t need to do anything else. You just have to think of what you want to create, and it will be created for you.”

“Seems too convenient.”

“There isn’t much sense in figuring out the hows and the whys at this point, Terran.” Lady Veergha said. “Best of luck.”

She pushed Drew out of the ship, and Drew screamed like hell. “WHAT THE FUUU — “

“Why would you do that?” Amanda yelled at the Lady.

“Oh, he wouldn’t feel a thing.”

* * *

Tetsu was still floating around inside of his bubble. He wanted a clear vantage point that could help him with the thing he wanted to do in order to help the cause. He raised himself up, and motioned a few hand signs as rapidly as he could. Afterwards, he proceeded to cut both his palms, and blood gushed out of it.

“I’ve only done this in times of great need.” Tetsu said to himself. “And today seems like a time where it is most needed. Let the Source make it so!”

Tetsu clapped his bloodied hands together, causing him to multiply into a hundred other Tetsus, wearing different colors and having different kinds of weapons on each hand. The other Tetsus weren’t all the same kind of turtle. Some had blacker shells, lighter complexions, and were even different races of turtle.

All of the turtle ninjas were covered inside of a purple bubble, and whenever one of them started to attack the Fjankhetto, their bubbles would pop, and the turtle inside would yell out and attack the giant being.

WHAT THE FUCK! Fjankhetto yelled out in everyone’s heads. WHERE ARE ALL THESE STUPID NINJA TURTLES COMING FROM?!

“Cowabunga!” Tom yelled out to the titanic monster.

Tetsu heard what the fly had said. “I don’t know what that means. But COWABUNGA IT IS!”

And every Tetsu clone-jutsu proceeded to come out of their bubbles. And they all yelled out:


* * *

June lost all hope of trying to understand what was happening. She tried speaking to the alternate voice inside of her. Hey, you still there? Of course I am, I’ve been waiting. Well wait no more. Let’s do this together now! Agreed! June circled around the Fjankhetto as fast as she could.

Toby helped with fanning the flames so as to increase the damage it would make to the Fjankhetto. He caught up to where June was, which also helped make a flaming tornado encompassing the Fjankhetto. “This is a good idea, June!” Toby yelled out to her. “If we keep this up, we’ll manage to trap the son of a bitch inside of a tornado of flame.”

“Shut the fuck up, Air-head!” June replied to him. “Sorry, it’s the other June that said that. We’re working together to get this monster out of our world.”

“Yeah, just keep that spirit up, June.” Toby said to her, as he conjured up more energy into increasing the velocity of both their flight. “We need to go faster!”
“I know! I’m trying!”

June and Toby were now flying side by side, now. Almost as if they were becoming one being. Toby circled around June’s flames like an additional wave of force to help June truly excrete as much fire as she can.

A cyclone of fire started to surround the Fjankhetto. “It’s working, June!”

“I know!” June replied. “I can’t believe it! Toby, we’re gonna make it — “

AND WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I’LL LET THAT HAPPEN? Fjankhetto whispered in Toby’s thoughts.

“What?” Toby said, as something suddenly pushed them out of their course like a hundred trucks hitting all at once.


Toby looked around to see where June was, and noticed that her fiery form was being held by the Fjankhetto.

“Wait, no — “


“What — “


“NOOOOOOOO!” Toby yelled out, as he saw the Fjankhetto crush June under of its massive fist.

End of Chapter.

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