20,000 Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne | The Goal of a Thousand Books

Written: Tuesday. March 10, 2020.

My mother bought this book for me in Chapters & Pages branch at Market Market. Costs 39 Pesos, fair deal, considering that it was a good and healthy copy given that it's a second-hand book. Little to no crease or blemish or folds or whatever. Just a library mark at the top. Otherwise, it was as good as new. So for 39 Pesos, it was a steal.

Not so much when it came to reading it, though. It might just be me, but I had a hard time trying to read this one. Or maybe it was the timing of when I was reading it that made things difficult. I had to stop reading it after I had finished reading the first part of the novel, to make room for re-reading Ordinary World by Jose Miguel Arguelles.

It was a sacrifice I needed to do at the time cause of my thesis. Which I later on sacrificed (my thesis) for the survival of my sanity and mental health. Different story.

I still want to find a good copy of any of Jules Verne's other works. It's still on the table. It's just that this book, his writing style I guess, was just not for me. It was dated and somehow strange, cause it read like a second-person perspective, which I've never really encountered before. And now that I've had a taste of it, I could confidently say that it didn't quite whet my appetite. 

