A Man With The Goal Of A Thousand Books (First Log) | The Goal of a Thousand Books

Started Writing: Friday. October 4, 2019.

So the idea is basically to achieve buying and reading 1000 books. Simple enough goal. Though the process is complicated.

The way this idea will be played out is by documenting it. Starting as soon as possible. With little snippets of documentations (either video or write-up) of my process to getting closer to the goal.

The Plan:

The plan is to do a whole series of videos, documentary-like videos, pertaining to my journey of buying and reading a thousand books. Pictures and blog articles (hence, this here page you're reading right now) are also on the table.

The number of episodes for the series would be an on-going process. But for the sake of writing down an initial estimate of how many episodes this series would take, would be at around 8 episodes. 25 minutes of run-time per video. But again, this will vary through time.

The reason why I think this will end up having multiple episodes is because I feel as though this project would last me, at worst, a decade. If I'm lucky or strategic enough with this project of mine, I guess it would only take me at about 5 years. But right now, I'm seeing the decade route more clearly. I mean, really, this project is massive and highly ambitious.

To answer the question of what would be the theme for each episode, I'm going to say that each episode would answer each of the following questions, respectively but not accordingly:

  • Who?
    • I guess for this question, I'm going to tackle my social life. Who are my friends at the time of when this project started? Who are my family members? Do I have any Mentors? People who influenced me to buy a specific book? Who are the ones that would enter my life while I'm in the middle of doing this journey, and who will be leaving my life, or will be removed, if necessary. And how are these people essential to the success of my mission?
  • What?
    • This question would be all about the books, I guess. What books am I gonna buy? What genres am I interested in? What am I not interested in? Plain and Simple.
  • When?
    • For this question, I'd be tackling aspects of when am I gonna finish this whole project? lol. When do I buy books? When do I read books? When do I decide to re-read a book? When do I decide to put a book down. When do I give away books?
  • Where?
    • Basically a geographical question. Where do I buy my books? Which bookstore have I not visited and bought a book in yet? Where do I keep my books? I'll add more questions for this along the way.
  • How?
    • How do I get the money to buy the books? How do I process picking a book. How do I find a book if I can't find it anywhere? How am I gonna read as fast as possible?
  • Why?
    • The ultimate question of all. This is my temporary answer, which is also the purest answer I could give or come up with, since I'm writing this down as early as possible in the project:
      • I think I'm doing this just to find out if I'm actually gonna achieve doing it. I was fixing my one square bookshelf, already filled with 2 years worth of books, when the idea popped out of my head. Where is all of this going? What is the end goal of why I'm buying and reading books at an absurd level compared to how much my peers buy and read books? I didn't know the answer to those questions, so I figured, okay, let's set myself to a goal...How about I collect a thousand books within my entire lifetime? Simple enough, right? Though thinking of it now, and I guess even on the day when the idea popped into my head, I already sort of knew that I was on a path that would be difficult, but would be so fulfilling once I achieved it. And given that only two weeks prior to the fateful day, I had completed a year-and-a-half-long journey of collecting all of the Wheel of Time books, which is how it lead to me fixing my bookshelf that day. So the idea, in its inception, was conceived only because I had completed a prior task. A prior goal. So thinking about it now, the answer to the ultimate question of why is this: Just Because.

I noticed that those were only 6 questions. The other two questions, I guess, would be just random episodes. I don't know.
