Alice in Wonderland | The Goal of a Thousand Books

Written: Sunday. March 22, 2020.

Date of Purchase: July 3, 2019.
Price: 75 Pesos.

Bought this in the Book Sale branch at SM San Lazaro. This was also the day when I decided to start writing THE MODERN HIDALGO journal. Can't remember much else from that day. I can't remember if I bough the book cause I've seen it a couple of times, or because I saw it for the first time, and wanted to buy it immediately.

I might've been interested buying a copy of the book for myself, because of the rather constant visits I had with National Book Store's Classics section, and always passed by a copy or more of Alice in Wonderland. So when I found a second-hand copy of it for 75 Pesos, I was sure to buy that. I'm cheap like that. Er, no... Resourceful? Efficient? Let's put it at those two, cause 'cheap' hurts the ego.

Then after buying this one, I assume it probably caused me to want to buy a copy of Peter Pan as well. Though I haven't had any luck with that one, yet.
