At the Beginning of the Journey (Originally written as a Script) | The Goal of a Thousand Books

Written: Tuesday. October 8, 2019.

It was hard for me to speak my thoughts when I recorded myself for the video documentation segment of this series. So I went ahead and opened my laptop, in order to write down my thoughts, so that I could hopefully make sense to whoever would be watching this series.

I have a hard time speaking my thoughts. That's not really my area of expertise. That's probably why I love writing, because it's easier, in a way. I'm a very awkward person when I'm faced with having to talk in front of an audience. Even when I'm just alone in my room, it still feels unnatural for me to be talking in front of the camera. Even though I've done countless of videos where I talk in front of the camera, it still just feels weird to me. I find it hard right now. That's why I wish that my older self could hopefully overcome this problem in the years to come.

I say that because I feel as though many years could have already passed by, before I could ever finish this quest of mine.

The quest, by the way, started with an idea. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people--wait, nope. That's not right. The idea was to be able to buy, and then obviously read, a thousand books...within my whole life.

It's a very simple idea. But the process is what makes it difficult. I have to figure out how I'm going to get the money to buy the books. I have to figure out which books am I going to buy. And I guess, somewhere along the way, I have to figure out why I want to be able to read a thousand books within my life time.

I have already written an answer to that yesterday. And I'm going read it out loud right now:

  • I think I'm doing this just to find out if I'm actually gonna achieve doing it. I was fixing my one square bookshelf, already filled with 2 years worth of books, when the idea popped out of my head. Where is all of this going? What is the end goal of why I'm buying and reading books at an absurd level compared to how much my peers buy and read books? I didn't know the answer to those questions, so I figured, okay, let's set myself to a goal...How about I collect a thousand books within my entire lifetime? Simple enough, right? Though thinking of it now, and I guess even on the day when the idea popped into my head, I already sort of knew that I was on a path that would be difficult, but would be so fulfilling once I achieved it. And given that only two weeks prior to the fateful day, I had completed a year-and-a-half-long journey of collecting all of the Wheel of Time books, which is how it lead to me fixing my bookshelf that day. So the idea, in its inception, was conceived only because I had completed a prior task. A prior goal. So thinking about it now, the answer to the ultimate question of why is this: Just Because.

It's October 8, 2019. I'm currently 21 Years Old. Still studying in college. Still trying to finish my thesis--God, I hate that word. And I'm on a quest to find all of the Wheel of Time books. Wait, no, I've already done that. Why do I keep on--*sigh* anyway. I am on a journey of self-discovery. Sounds very cheesy, I know. But I feel like this idea of mine, at it's center, is me trying to prove, maybe even just to myself, that I could achieve buying and reading a thousand books...within my life time.

My name is Elmo Hidalgo, and this is the story of how I achieved bringing this one idea into reality.
