Bone Talk by Candy Gourlay | Book Review

Written: January 24, 2019.

I liked reading this one, but not at first. I was still adjusting a bit, since from reading something like Frankenstein, which is a classic and old kind of style, to something of this category, which falls in the YA and Modern genre, its a huge leap from one place to another, I would say.

But when the rhythm came to me, it was smooth sailing from there. I started reading it one chapter a day for like 2 days, then decided to read about 3 chapters each day, so that I could burn through at least as close to how long a chapter was in Frankenstein. Just so that it felt like I had immersed myself into the book in the same fashion as to how I immersed myself in the previous one. So that it feels like I’m not stretching this book out by reading it so slowly like that. Do I make sense? It makes sense to me, that logic. I dunno if it would make sense to other people. Anyway…

It had a good plot, a good setting, a good writing style, but the main character “Samkad” was just not connecting with me, somehow. I didn't quite find myself relating to this kid. It didn't bother much to me what was happening as I was following his story. The stakes were somewhat, let’s say, not too high for me to care.

But the minute world-building that the author had to do to construct this piece, in order for it to reflect the real-world setting she was aiming for-me being a resident of that world setting- she got that pretty well. It really felt like I was placed back in time, back to the time this story was set in.

I share the same feelings with the author, when she said, in the book, at the back-I think, that there are not that many written stories out there that is set in our country, that being the Philippines. There’s so many books out there that are brought from other countries-there’s no problem with that, I appreciate that we have that kind of benefit-but that being the case, there’s not much of an area allotted for our own literature. Our own brand of stories or tales, or anything that could reflect our culture through writing.

And that’s why the author wrote this story, so that maybe she could put a solution to the problem. And the book is her version of a solution.

All in all, I liked reading this one. Maybe if she had put more focus in the world-building, but nevertheless, the effort is there.

* * *

Rating System:Story = 8
Writing Style = 7
Physical Synesthesia = 7
Time it took to finish = 10 days= 8
Price = P220 = 8

Overall = 7.6/10
