Conan the Hero | The Goal of a Thousand Books

Written: Friday. March 13, 2020.

Date of Purchase: March 8, 2020.

Price: 19 Pesos.

Bought this one at Chapter's & Pages in Fishermall. There were a couple of books that I found that were in my radar: Iron Man by Peter David, Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, and Storm Front by Jim Butcher.

I've been looking for a good second-hand copy of Jurassic Park for quite a while now. I'm not gonna buy that thing for what it's actually worth, cause I know the writing style is very meticulous when it comes to explaining something close to actual science towards the reader. Most classic sci-fi is like this. Iron-Man's also something I've been wanting to find, but there's no real urgency on that matter. I could always just re-watch it. But I do wanna have a novelization copy of my own, just to pair it with my Incredible Hulk novel. As for Storm Front, I have little understanding of what the Dresden Files is actually about, which is why I want to know more of it. But since I'm already in the process of going through the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan, an Epic Fantasy of such a grand scale, I decided to shelf the Dresden Files to a later time and opportunity.

So Conan, the last book, which was also the cheapest out of all the books I found that day, was what I settled on buying. If I was careless of myself and the little money that I currently have, I'd have bought all four.
