Crossroads of Twilight | The Goal of a Thousand Books

Written: Friday. March 20, 2020.

Date of Purchase: August 2, 2019.

Price: 45 Pesos.

This book was bought at the Chapters & Pages branch in Fishermall. It was around the time when my dad was still in the hospital because of his surgery. Me and my brother used to take shifts on who was to stay at home and who was to stay at the hospital over night. This was probably one of the days when it was my turn to go home.

Obviously, given my innate urge to rebel, I went to Fishermall in order to buy a book or something. I might've been deprived of going outside in order to browse in some bookstores within this time. I can't even remember what books I were trying to find that day.

I might've been trying to find the sequel novel to Fuzzy Sapiens given that I haven't found it yet. Still haven't found it yet even almost a year later.

I started in the 8 Pesos Bargain section, which was at the front of the branch. I remember almost giving up my search, until I suddenly found Crossroads of Twilight. Actually, I did give up browsing after finding Crossroads. I think I was also exhausted after browsing so many books that day, or I dunno. I can't keep track of all my memories. My brain just doesn't do well with detail & specificity. 
