Everyday, I Wake Up | Short Story Weekly # 5

Written: Saturday. September 19, 2020.

Everyday, I wake up in another person's reality. It probably started when I was born, but I only started noticing it on the best day of my childhood.

I was only seven when I had kissed a girl in school. It was sort of a wild idea we both had at the time. We hid at the back of the school gym, and that's where we first kissed. It was the scariest thing I'd ever done--kissing a girl, or anyone, for that matter.

I remember the night, too. I couldn't get myself to sleep because my mind was racing with all of these thoughts and scenarios. I had just kissed a girl in my class! At seven years old!

But when I met with her the next day, she slapped me when I asked her about the kiss. It was like she--no. She really couldn't remember anything about us kissing behind the gym at all. It's like nothing ever happened.

At first, I thought that she just regretted giving her first kiss to me. But I swear to you--when I woke up the next day after that, she wasn't even my classmate anymore. I asked all of my classmates and my teachers where she went, but they all just answered the same thing. "Who are you talking about? What girl?"

The next day after that was when I truly went crazy. I woke up to a bed that wasn't even mine. Or at least, it was, said my mother and father. I had previously slept on the lower bed of a supposed bunk bed. But when I asked what happened to it, and where my brother was, my parents just looked at me like what I was saying didn't make sense.

The whole thing didn't make sense! Things and people and events don't just disappear like that! I thought my brother ran away or something. But when I woke again up to find that I now had a little sister was when I really started to question everything that was happening around me.

I knew that if I told anybody, nobody would believe me. Would you believe me if I told you that each day, I either had a complete family, or a single parent, or have three or four siblings that I would only get to spend time with for about a few days, before they cease to exist again? Or never have existed in the first place?

There was this one time when I had a different name altogether. Other times, I wasn't even a boy, and had to figure out how to use the bathroom as a girl.

Sometimes I'd wake up losing an arm or a leg. Sometimes I woke up looking in the mirror, and finding out that I had down syndrome. Some days, it would go back to the original--or at least a familiar--reality, but some things were still different. Always was.

It's like I'm a god with no control over my powers. Everyday.
