Godzilla vs. Gigan (1972) Brain Farts.

Godzilla vs. Gigan (1972) Review |BasementRejects

Written: Thursday. August 28, 2020.

  • Continuity.
    • Theory # 1 : There are Alternate Realities.
      • the cockroaches that came from the other Earth are from an alternate reality where Hedorah defeated Godzilla, and successfully invaded/destroyed that alternate Earth. Using their advanced technology, the cockroaches transported themselves into an alternate reality where Godzilla defeated Hedorah (which is the main reality of these movies).
    • Theory # 2: Godzilla in this movie is actually Minira all grown up.
      • Minira was not shown in Godzilla vs Hedorah, and the brief shot of him in Godzilla vs Gigan was a vignette scene (not an actual scene, but a back-track for exposition of the Monster Island). Minira might've grown up to be an adult around the time where Godzilla vs Hedorah was happening. This could be further proved with the action figures the kid in Godzilla vs Hedorah was playing with. The smaller Godzilla toy he had didn't look like Minira as we know him, but a smaller but more similar looking Godzilla. So that might be a toymaker's current depiction of Minira.
      • So around or before the time Godzilla vs Gigan happens, the second Godzilla (cause the original died in the first movie) died because of his war scars against Hedorah. Minira, at that same time, now looks like a fully adult version of his father.
      • This could further be proven when you consider the fact that Anguirus is not fighting with Godzilla, but actually following his orders. That would mean that this Anguirus (who is also the second gen Anguirus, cause the original died in Godzilla Raids Again) is now a mentor/right-hand man to Godzilla the Third (Adult-Minira). Father Godzilla might've told Anguirus, as he was dying, to look out for Minira once he passes away, and that he probably apologizes for being enemies (or their fathers being enemies) in the past. Bygones be bygones, Anguirus is now a follower of Adult Minira.
      • Further Evidence for this theory is that the Godzilla in this movie only uses his Atomic Breath twice in the whole movie. And he uses it at the last minute. Why would Godzilla do that? Because he probably hasn't perfected his Atomic Breath, because he's actually Minira who's all grown up!
      • Boom!
  • Slow pacing.
    • The movie could've been around an hour long, if they had kept the Kaiju scenes at a minimal. But it also could've affected the impact of those scenes to the movie. So, I dunno, they could've definitely trimmed it down in some areas. Just saying.
  • It feels like Ghidorah is always being hypnotized.
    • The repeating battle between Godzilla and King Ghidorah hasn't really been that amazing to watch since Invasion of Astro-Monster. I feel like Ghidorah's always being mind-controlled by aliens wanting to rule over the Earth, and he comes off as a Passive Character once you notice this. He's never after Earth for being riddled with Kaijus who are actually able to defeat him. Like, there hasn't been a movie that he's in where he actually fucking wants to be invading other planets on his own terms.
      • He was even mind-controlled in Invasion of Astro-Monster. The only time he wasn't was in Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster, which was his first movie.

