Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971) Brain Farts.

Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971) dir. Yoshimitsu Banno | BOSTON HASSLE

Written: Thursday. August 27, 2020.

  • Serious.
    • this movie sort of made this series go back to the roots of how this franchise existed in the first place. It went back to being an allegory for something; Hedorah is a metaphor for pollution. He is what will happen if we, the humans, don't get our shit together and put it where it belongs (in proper garbage disposals).
  • A different style.
    • The director of this movie only has one movie in this franchise, and he fucking annihilated every single movie before him, in regards to how the movie feels, how it looks, how certain things were shot, the whole endeavor. This guy has a style, and he just so happened to get a Godzilla movie in his hands, so he put his style there. And he did it tremendously.
  • Atmosphere.
    • there's a certain point in this movie where there's just utter silence as Hedorah looks at the shining headlights towards him, cause by the military to lure him into a trap. It was such a dull moment on paper, but looking at it as a whole movie, that point in time was sort of absent from the other movies before it. This movie breathed, and I felt it. Ironic, cause this movie is about pollution.
    • Also, about the fight scenes with Godzilla and Hedorah, they never really place any background scores when they're fighting each other or destroying the city. But they did have a lot of scenes (with the humans) that used music: at the club scene, the burning-man-esque scene before Hedorah came to that mountain or whatever, etc.
  • Animation.
    • this is the first movie in the franchise to use animation. It was a cool way to the simple exposition of what was happening in the movie, and also crucial, cause since the last few movies were for kids (or just had lighter tones), putting animation into the mix made the radical shift in tone for this movie a balancing force for what the director wanted to do.
  • Hedorah is the most unique kaiju Godzilla has faced so far.
    • Anguirus is a dinosaur, Mothra is a Moth, Rodan is a Dragon, Ghidoarh is an Alien Dragon, King Kong is a Gorilla, and everything else are some form of giant insect or dinosaur or whatever.
    • Hedorah is a fucking alien from outer space that feeds off of the earth's pollution! It's not a beast, or an insect. It's an alien life-form of some sort! Insane! That's insane!
      • well, they did have scenes explaining that Hedorah might be close to how tadpoles evolve, but everything else is like jump-the-shark territory for Hedorah.
      • Hedorah's unique as fuck.
  • This was Godzilla's lowest point.
    • take this in two ways:
      • one, this fight might've cause him to die after this movie, making an adult Minira take his place in the next movie. This is cause of how bruised and damaged Godzilla was in this movie. He got the skin of his hand to melt down to the bone, his eye was injured, and he was also almost buried in Hedorah's goo!
      • two, Godzilla had to show the humans that he could actually fly, but he has to use his atomic breath and form like a ball, holding his tail up as his atomic breath lifts him up from the ground... they lost me in this part of the movie.
