Invasion of Astro-Monster (1965) Brain Farts.

Perry R 💀 on Twitter: "SEBASTIANE (1976, Jarman)… "
Written: Wednesday. August 19, 2020.
    • The Plot-line of this movie is so multi-layered and well done! It's such a wild tangent, jump-the-shark, kind of situation, but it's gloriously executed well, that I don't really care what kind of plot hole there is to be discussed.
    • You have Monsters, monsters in space, aliens wanting to invade our world, pretending to be allies. Interesting array of characters who have such nice side-stories that all meet the same point at the third act of the film.
  • It's not all black and white!
    • there was a gray area portion to this movie, specifically with Glenn and his girlfriend, who turns out to be an alien spy who fell in love with him, and helps mankind find a way to defeat the aliens.
  • Aliens! Space!
    • What more could I ask at this point? This felt much like the atmosphere of Transformers: Dark of the Moon.
      • Covert mission to examine a strange planet. Check.
      • They discover something strange in that planet, like a space ship or an alien race. Check.
      • They befriend the aliens, but soon figure out that they've been fooled. Check.
      • Some aliens are hiding in plain sight, pretending to be human allies. Check.
      • The aliens want to invade the Earth for its resources. Check.
    • Godzilla and Rodan being left on Planet X was actually moving! I felt bad for the two monsters.
      • King Ghidorah was being used by the aliens all along! They had him in some kind of spell or something.
  • The story is not straight-forward.
    • the Ladyguard macguffin device was a nice way to let the humans actually have a reason to be in this movie. It started out as this side-quest, but ended up being such an essential part of the plot!
      • the aliens were allergic to the sound that the Ladyguard was emitting! That's why their corporation bought the rights to it, cause they didn't want the thing to be mass-produced!
      • the device was later on used for Glenn and the inventor of Ladyguard to escape from the aliens, and then used to disrupt the spell of the aliens over the monsters' minds!
  • They almost touched upon philosophy, but stopped before they could say more.
    • and that's not particularly a bad thing. There were already so many things happening in the movie, that something like an argument about physical beauty within the Xilien's female population would just disrupt the rhythm of the story. So that's exactly what they did.
      • they said, "Let's not argue." and moved on with what was actually important for the main plot.
      • nicely done!
  • I expected to see the Venusian Princess to cameo in this movie.
    • there was a moment in the last movie, where she teased about whether she could channel the Venusian consciousness inside her in the future. So I expected her to come back a second time in this film, but she never arrived.
      • which was totally fine. Cause there'd still be a chance for her to return in the other movies.
  • The aliens might return as well.
    • in their last moments, an alien said that they had to the future! That only means that they're probably gonna return in future movies as well. Or so I hope they would, cause I'd be down to have them back.
  • The miniature sets were amazing!
    • the level of quality and creativity with the set designs they made were astounding this time around! It hasn't been for a while, but they were able to bring back that level of quality in the miniature buildings and military vehicles, etc.
    • Planet X and the Space ships were a nice touch as well.
  • The monsters weren't the main highlight of this movie, but that's okay.
    • with everything that was happening in this movie's plot, the monsters were almost just bonus attractions to the story. They were just there for those who want some kick-ass monster fights!
