MIBF 2019 Book Haul | The Goal of a Thousand Books

Written: Tuesday. March 17, 2020.

  • A Memory of Light by Robert Jordan = 319 Pesos.
  • Our Darkest Hours by Jose Miguel Arguelles = 200 Pesos.
    Date of Purchase: September 11, 2019.

  • Detective Boys of Masangkay: Ang Closed-Door Mystery by Bernalyn Hapin Sastrillo = 220 Pesos.
  • Armada by Ernest Cline = 384 Pesos.
    Date of Purchase: September 13, 2019.

  • The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett = 384 Pesos.
  • Moymoy Lulumboy 1 by Segundo Matias Jr. = 183 Pesos.
  • Carrie by Stephen King = 307 Pesos.
    Date of Purchase: September 15, 2019.

September 11, 2019:
  • I knew that I was gonna go to the MIBF event for several days. Not straight, but several. So I was hesitant to buy too much. In fact, I almost couldn't decide on what to buy on the first day of MIBF. I still hadn't completely bought all of the Wheel of Time books. A Memory of Light was the last book I needed to buy (it's also conveniently the last book in the whole series). So that was something I looked for that day. I found several WoT books, but none of what I needed. The day had passed, and I wasn't able to find the book in MIBF. So I went to the Fully Booked branch inside of SM Mall of Asia, and didn't find the book that I was looking for. Relying on all the hope I still had left in me, I urged my mother to go to the National Book Store just near the Fully Booked branch. So we did that, and within a few minutes of browsing through the book shelves of NBS (which is the most painful thing to go through, because the old ladies who 'organize' the books in NBS, don't know how to do their jobs. They just put books and hope that they fit, like they're playing a game of Tetris), I finally found A Memory of Light.
  • For Our Darkest Hours, it was bound to be purchased, cause I'd bought Ordinary World from last year's MIBF, so this being another book of Jose Miguel Arguelles (his first, actually), it was bound to be... well, you know the rest.

September 13, 2019:
  • This day, I was all alone when I went to MIBF. I went alone cause I wanted to, plus my mother can't go outside several times without there being consequences to her body. That being said, I was alone, and I was free to do what I wanted and not have to worry about having to find someone who was with me while I was there. But the day ended with me feeling lonely; ironic. Anyway, I found an old classmate of mine from college who happened to be working for Adarna House, one of the book publishing companies in the Philippines. I saw her first, as I could recall. But I didn't approach her, because I'm introverted like that. I almost always have to prepare myself whenever I need to encounter someone I haven't seen in a while. Other than that, I still wasn't settled on buying Detective Boys 2, which was why I was there in the first place and saw this particular classmate of mine. Eventually, I picked the book up and went to the counter. This classmate of mine was the one who personally wrapped the book inside of a paper bag for me. We did some small-talk, but other than that, it was just me asking her why she was there, and her answering me that she worked for them. Then we said our goodbyes. I bought Detective Boys 2 because same as Ordinary World, I wanted to buy more from the same franchise (author).
    • just side-tracking here: I went back two days later to hopefully see her... also to try and ask her what time she'll be out of her work for that day. I guess I wanted to catch up some more, and maybe other things, like hopefully have a good time with her, talking all night about what's been happening in our individual lives and finding the commonalities. Then hopefully be able to ask her out some time if she wasn't busy with her work. But all of that was just subconscious thinking to me. I always do that to girls I found interesting investing.
  • For Armada, it was something I wanted to buy because I bought Ready Player One for somebody's birthday. And I wanted to buy Armada to hopefully get me started in reading Ernest Cline's work. I know two of his books so far, I think that's only how many he's written... Once I finish Armada, I'll be buying a copy of Ready Player One for myself.

September 15, 2019:
  • Carrie was on my radar. Something to know about me: I almost always like to find the first book of an author. This is the reason why I bought Elantris by Brandon Sanderson on the last MIBF, and also why I bought Eye of the World by Robert Jordan before starting to buy the rest of WoT. Also, maybe it's because I experienced having to read a book that's actually a part of a bigger picture (looking at you, Lost Hero by Rick Riordan). Also because I wanna know where an author started. I already have one book from Stephen King, called 11,22,63. I couldn't appreciate reading it at the time I first read it, cause my comprehension skills were still low by then. So buying Carrie is the first step in trying to read all of Stephen King's books.
  • The Color of Magic has also been in my radar before this MIBF event. My friend David and I had a discussion about several book series, and Discworld came to his mind, while I was interested in Goosebumps. I didn't buy any Goosebumps books, and went for the first Discworld novel. If I could recall it correctly, it was the last copy of the book, it being the last day of the event, which makes me lucky to have found it.
  • For Moymoy Lulumboy, this one was a suggestion from someone who commented on my previous MIBF vlog. I had unknowingly did a B-roll of all of the Moymoy Lulumboy books and placed it in the vlog. Someone suggested that it was good, so I gave it a look on the last day of my search for potential books, and am now curious to read it, which I still haven't done, but will be doing in the days to come.
