Mothra vs. Godzilla (1964) Brain Farts.

Number 1 – “Mothra vs. Godzilla” (1964)

Written: Sunday. August 16, 2020.

  • Good vs. Bad.
    • Mothra being the good monster, and Godzilla being the bad monster.
      • Most Kaiju have been portrayed as victims of mankind's attempts to conquer science and nuclear power. Godzilla is a product of an atomic reaction, and Mothra's awakening/presence is a product of deforestation.
      • But in this film, in order to make things black and white, Godzilla had to be made into something of a caricature of himself: meaning, they used his image as a chaotic being terrorizing the city of Japan for no reason whatsoever, but to wreak havoc and end lives. Mothra was made into a protector, or a means to an end, in order to fend off Godzilla's terror against mankind. Whereas her previous film showed her to be a destructive force whose only business is to retrieve the stolen Shobijin sisters, no matter the cost to the "New Kirk" city.
  • Continuity.
    • Following the events of King Kong vs. Godzilla, Godzilla is sent underwater, while King Kong swims away back to his island. In the start of Mothra vs. Godzilla, Godzilla emerges from a dried up lake, loosely connecting to his demise from King Kong vs. Godzilla.
    • Also, Mothra is seen to start out in her fully evolved form, while a new Mothra egg swims ashore, and produces two Mothra's by the third act of the movie, once the adult Mothra reaches the end of her life.
      • this signifies that the first film's Mothra is the same Mothra we see in the follow-up movie. This will also continue in Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster, when one of the twin Mothras is announced dead by the Shobijin Sisters, acknowledging the existence of two Mothras in the previous film, to the current story-line.
  • The villains of this movie come second to Nelson (Mothra 1961's antagonist)
    • when the new Mothra egg appears, the human's immediately see it as a cash-grab, indicating the negligence of mankind towards extraordinary wonders of the world, and only caring about financial gain.
    • they're almost at the same level as Nelson, maybe even slightly worse.
  • Godzilla's opponents are getting better and better, while he remains the way he is (but slightly gets less and less scary).
    • from Anguirus, to King Kong, to Mothra, Godzilla has been a stagnant character all-throughout his journey.
      • Anguirus was somewhat a lesser creature to him, since that was a dinosaur reawakened by earthquakes cause by human kind. His lack of bipedal features makes him easy to conquer.
      • King Kong is an equal opponent to Godzilla, earning his electric touch by the end of their fight (which only adds to the level of depth in King Kong, since he's a beast of nature who gains his new powers from nature [lightning], Godzilla's atomic breath comes from his exposure to nuclear radiation.
      • Mothra is an Aerial-type monster, which directly gives her the upper-hand against Godzilla. Even in larvae form, the two Mothra larvae wrap the giant lizard around in silk, defeating Godzilla in the process.
        • His enemies increase in number and strength/strategy, while he remains the same.
  • The Return of Good Miniature-Set Design
    • the previous film (Mothra 1961) used too much of it, which became its weakness. But this time around, the sets and models were utilized in a very creative way, almost invisible to those who are not paying attention to detail.
