Special Treatment | Short Story Weekly # 1

Written: Tuesday. August 18, 2020.

"I have a lot on my plate right now." I said, as Brittany asked me, during lunchtime, if we could meet after class. She didn't really say what for, but from all the other times she's asked, it's probably another homework or assignment she wants done by Friday or tomorrow morning. I actually had a lot in my plate at the moment of her asking. Just seemed a rather funny thing to say. I tried not to smile at my own joke.

"I can see that, Adam." she said to me. "Now, I know what you're thinking. No, it's not another request or whatever. Let's meet outside of my school-bus. You know where Manong Reggie parks, right?"
"Yes, I remember." I defeatedly reply. "This better be good. As I've said, I've got--"
"a lot in your plate. Gotcha." Brittany finished. She took the spoonful I was about to put in my mouth, and put it in hers. She had this way of doing it, too. Like a performance, or something. It was definitely something I would've enjoyed seeing, if she weren't such a total--
"You got a little something on your lip there." I said to her, as I lost track of what I was thinking. I rubbed a finger to where it was, and she sucked it clean. I tensed.
"Any, left?" she asked, winking.
"No, you're good." I answered her. You're really good.

* * *

After the bell rang, I packed up my things, and decided to see what Brittany had in store for me today. It was very odd: She walked up to me. Alone. And asked me to meet her after class. Me, of all the people she would ask. I was lucky enough she didn't put eyes on me for what she did. If the school finds out what I've been doing for her, it's gonna be the end of me.

I always told her that if she ever needed my help with her studies, I was always free in the after hours of the day, and that she never tell any of her friends about the 'special treatment' I give her from time to time. They might get the wrong idea...

Brittany's school-bus was at the very end of the parking lot where all the buses were parked and waiting to fill up. So it was almost always hidden. Out of reach & out of sight from the guards or the teachers leaving school. Even Manong Reggie leaves and waits by the gate. How convenient.

I was already sweating with curiosity as to what Brittany had in store for me now. I saw her sitting by the back-entrance of the bus, when a couple of girls pass by me. "Hi, sir!"
"Hi, girls." I said to them, as I reach the bus. 
"Who were they?" Brittany playfully asked.
"Just some--" I stopped, as she slowly reached for me. "Wait--"
"I think it's about time you had your special treatment, Adam." she smiled. "Don't you think, sir?"
