Star Wars: Bloodline by Claudia Gray | Book Review

Written: December 31, 2018.

This is the sixth (6th) installment of a book review series, based off of the books I was able to read within 2018.

Book discussed: Star Wars : Bloodline by Claudia Gray.

This is the second Star Wars novel that I have ever bought. It doesn't have a movie version, so I went into reading this book without having any knowledge of it whatsoever other than it's part of the Star Wars Universe, and that it takes place before The Force Awakens.

It was easy to read this book, from what I could recall from reading it. It not having a movie counterpart gave room for me to imagine what was happening.

When I bought this book, it was Free Comic Book Day at Fully Booked. The first people to enter the branch got like a freebie basket filled with tons of comics. I wanted to be the one who gets it. Sadly, I didn't, and because I felt like a loser that day, I decided to buy a book, just to compensate. And this was that book.

Star Wars : Bloodline centers around Leia Organa. I thought I wouldn't like it at first, given that I didn't really like Princess Leia in the movies. Even in the Book-novelization, she wasn't much of a character to follow. But in this book, she won me over...or maybe the author won me over? I dunno. They both won me over.

Claudia Gray, I'm not familiar with her. I searched her up on Goodreads, and most of her work comprised of YA novels, which I'm not so much a fan of. But her writing style, plus Star Wars, is a really good combination. 

She really knows her way with the lore. And the fact that this story didn't even mention the Force, is saying something. (I'm not really sure about the whole not mentioning the force thing, although looking back, I really can't recall a moment in this book where the force is used).

She posted a casting guide for this book, which shows which actors she thought of while writing each characters. I don't know if the book got better knowing what she was thinking back in the pre-production of this book, or if it was needed. It certainly helped visualizing the characters in my head, though. So there's that.

Rating System:
Story = 8.5
Writing Style = 8.9
Physical Synesthesia = 8
Time it took to finish = nineteen days = 9
Price = P299.25 = 8.5
Overall = 8.6 / 10
