Star Wars Trilogy (Omnibus Edition) by George Lucas, Donald F. Glut, and James Kahn | Book Review

Written: December 30, 2018.

This is the fourth (4th) installment of a book review series, based off of the books I was able to read within 2018.

Book discussed: Star Wars Trilogy (Omnibus Edition) by George Lucas, Donald F. Glut, and James Kahn.

Star Wars Trilogy is an omnibus novelization of the original Star Wars Trilogy. Not much to say about this book. Although it has some parts you don't get to see in the movies, which explains some details about how the Force works. You also get to learn more about Luke's character; his motivations, his thoughts, etc. But that's about it. 

I bought this book at Fully Booked's Gateway branch. I always love going there. Mainly because it's the nearest Fully Booked branch from where I live.

I liked reading it. Will I read this again? Maybe. But right now, I don't see a reason to do so. 

I think it was somewhat unneeded for this story to be told through words. That's how I feel about this book. But I have this fantasy, that what if: I had never seen the Star Wars movies, and had read this book first? Would my opinion change? I certainly would like to find out. But alas, reality will stay the same. And because of this, I've learned to read the books first, before watching the movie.

I decided to buy this omnibus edition of the Original Star Wars trilogy, as a means of starting off my quest to buy as much Star Wars novels I could find in book stores. I thought, "what better way to begin, than with the first trilogy". So that's that.

I've never seen a novelization of the prequel trilogy, though. I only always see "A Force Awakens" or "The Last Jedi". Even the Spin-off "Star Wars Story" has their own novelizations. But the prequels, I've never encountered it. I mean, they could at least try to do it. Maybe the novelizations turn out to be better than the movies. I'm just saying.

If there is a book novelization of the prequel trilogy, then book stores better re-stock on it. Cause I'd buy that, honestly.

Rating System:
Story = 8
Writing Style = 7
Physical Synesthesia = 7
Time it took to finish = three weeks or so = 7
Price = P423.00 = 8
Overall = 7.4 / 10
