Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein | Book Review

Written: January 3, 2019.

This is the ninth (9th) installment of a book review series, based off of the books I was able to read within 2018.

Book discussed: Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein.

I thought I'd enjoy this book, or at least get something good about reading it. But even after I've finished reading it, there's just nothing there. There nothing about this book that I enjoyed reading. 

I'm a Sci-Fi main, but this one, man, I don't know how it got to be so popular even though it's such a waste of a good concept.

I saw this at National Bookstore (maybe that's why), and bought it for almost Five-Hundred pesos. I'm not so familiar with Robert A. Heinlein. As I've searched it up, he's called the "dean of science fiction stories". Giving that title to him, and reading Stranger in a Strange Land- it seems like the title is unearned.

Although, this is just my impression of this famous author by reading Stranger in a Strange Land. I'm interested in getting the chance to read his other works. Maybe this was just a miss for me. But if his other works fail to capture my interest, then I'll give up on this author.

The story started off with a good framework, but somehow, Heinlein thought it was a good opportunity to add in some religious themes in it. I mean, nothing's wrong with adding a little Religion, but the way Heinlein did it with this book was just him spoon-feeding his rants to the audience. This is too much of a "Robert A. Heinlein's biases" than a so called science fiction story.

Even as to how he centers the main character Valentine Michael Smith with all these women, who conveniently find the Martian-man so attractive that they want him to lay his eggs in them. Heinlein, is this how you cope with your ridiculously strong obsession to pornography? Is this why a lot of people liked this book? Because at the time this was published, objectification of the female sex was present all around. Calling them furniture back then was but a mere compliment of profession.

I guess back then, nobody batted an eye on this book. But imagine if these sort of things were written and published today? 

Rating System:
Story = 5
Writing Style = 5
Physical Synesthesia = 6
Time it took to finish = too damn long = 4
Price = P449 = 3
Overall = 4.6 / 10
