The Count of Monte Cristo | The Goal of a Thousand Books

Written: Monday. April 6, 2020.

Date of Purchase: June 1, 2019.
Price: 431.20 Pesos.

This was Claire's birthday gift for me, cause I gave her a gift on her birthday, which was also a book (American Gods). Too long of a story to tell when it comes to this day. Too long of a story...

The gist of it is this: We celebrated my birthday a day before, in Trinoma Mall. We watched Godzilla: King of Monsters to pass the time, cause we also had to go to another celebration for another person who had a birthday the following day, Dani. I paid for our lunch and the movie tickets, and I think that she bought me the book before we watched Godzilla.

I was supposed to ask her if she wanted to go on a date with me sometime in the near future, but that part's a different story all together. 

I came there looking for IT by Stephen King, but I didn't find a copy in the Trinoma branch of Fully Booked. And we didn't go to the North Edsa branch, cause I think we already bought tickets for Godzilla, and that it was mere minutes before the movie started. So I settled for Count of Monte Cristo (which was something I still wanted to buy for myself, but didn't before, cause it's expensive and hard to find), and we went running for the cinemas.

Later that night, I didn't get the courage to ask her out (which turned out to be a good thing very much later on), and we both went to Dani's party.
