Star Wars: The Last Jedi | The Goal of a Thousand Books

Written: Thursday. April 30, 2020.

Date of Purchase: March 12, 2019.
Price: 345.60 Pesos.

This was the book I was supposed to buy for my friend's birthday. But I decided to keep it and just give away my copy of American Gods, which was something I wasn't planning on re-reading again anyway. Which is why I gave it away... redundant.

I was supposed to buy Armada by Ernest Cline. I went to SM North Edsa and Trinoma, and checked the Fully Booked branches there. No copy of Armada was found. So just thought to myself, "Well I can't just go home while I still have money to buy one book." And I found a copy of the Last Jedi, and bought it.

Haven't read it yet, cause I don't have a copy of The Force Awakens...
