The Most Memorable Wheel of Time Haul | The Goal of a Thousand Books

Written: Wednesday. April 29, 2020.

  • The Gathering Storm = 67 Pesos.
  • New Spring = 73 Pesos.

So I bought these two books in National Book Store (San Lazaro branch). I can't remember why I went there, specifically. Bought this was around the time when I was still trying to find all of the Wheel of Time books.

Here's the story: I usually go to malls to look through the bookstores or eat two slices of pizza in any available Pizza Hut booth (cause those things are the bomb). I would usually go to Book Sale first, cause the books there would honestly be cheap as fuck. And given that I'm broke as a joke, I'd always let myself look through that second-hand bookstore first.

But when I don't get to find something good enough, I'd eventually go to NBS next. Though I don't get my hopes up on that branch... or any branch, for that matter. Cause NBS just doesn't give a fuck about the readers. They give more fucks towards school supplies, which is cool and all, but they always completely forget that they're selling a bunch of books... also, the store ladies in charge of 'arranging' the books in the shelves have no sense of actually doing their job.

Anyway, I walked into National Book Store, and notice that there's a part where it says "Up to 80% off". I think I now remember the reason why I found it very easily--it was around the time when NBS announced that they'd start selling old un-bought books at very low prices, to hopefully get rid of them in their shelves.

With the cheap-ass that I have, I was definitely gonna look through those discounted books. There were only a few worthy titles. Skip to a few minutes, I find a copy of two books from the Wheel of Time series.

So here's how the discount is indicated: they stamp a circle sticker on the back of the discounted books. I'm lazy to check what the colors were on the two books that I found. Bottom line, they both had 80% discount stickers. But my skeptic ass didn't want to believe it at first--as one skeptic ass would often do.

So I went to the counter, bringing with me the two discounted books, and asked the lady behind the counter what the actual price was on the two books that I brought to the counter.

So she said that it costs about 140 Pesos in total for the two books. I look into my coin purse, and see just a hundred peso bill placed inside. So that's not enough to actually buy both books. Then I remembered my old NBS card, which I never really used unless counter ladies asked for them whenever I bought something. I gave it to the lady by the counter to see if it had anything on it (cause the card garners points on each purchase). She says I have just about 40 Pesos inside that card of mine. Can you imagine being in this situation?

I mean, I was disappointed that the card didn't have a whole lot more inside of it, since I've had that card for like 4 years (exactly 1/2 weeks before expiration, this moment was).

So I told the lady that I'll be using those points to add to my payment, to get both books home. One long receipt later, the books were mine.

I still had enough money, just enough, to ride a jeep in order to get back home. I had immediately video-recorded myself trying to explain what just happened. Something went wrong with the video, so I tried recording it again, but it was just my voice. Cause I got pissed by this time with my faulty phone.

After that, I started posting videos on my youtube channel again, which I haven't for like since December of 2018.
