The Towers of Midnight | The Goal of a Thousand Books

Written: Wednesday. March 18, 2020.

Date of Purchase: August 29, 2019.

Price: 319 Pesos.

Can't remember how it came to be that I was in Gateway Cubao that day. This was around the time when my dad was still in the hospital getting treated for his bypass operation. So my memories in these times are subconsciously blocked; these were dark times.

I bought this in National Book Store, that much I can remember. Although, I didn't expect it at the time that I would be finding a copy of Towers of Midnight.

After 15 minutes or so of trying to find the receipt for the book, and also trying to find out the exact date of purchase, here's the story I could muster:

I went to Cubao that day because I was waiting for my friend, Kurt to show up that day because we had a meeting at Cirma Food House that night. So I was a bit early, and so I went and browsed in the several bookstores in Gateway, Cubao.

Later on, I stumbled upon Towers of Midnight inside of Nation Book Store's second floor. I can't remember the exact detail of the moment when I found it, because my memories of that place are intertwined with other moments when I went to that specific branch, so at this point, it's hard to analyze the specifics of what happened in this epoch.

Bottom line is: I found it, had enough money to buy it, and then bought it. It was originally 399 Pesos, but it came with a discount, lucky me.

I can't remember if I met Kurt in Cubao. It might've been that I just went to Cirma by myself and just met him there instead. Maybe the latter.

So I had brought the book with me while I was there in Cirma. I went with Kurt to his house to sleep over night there, and then went home a little bit late than intended; which started a snowball effect towards my academic career, different story.

To where the receipt could've been, I don't know anymore. I've searched, but was not able to find anything. 

