Three Musketeers (Penguin Edition) | The Goal of a Thousand Books

Written: Monday. March 16, 2020.

Date of Purchase: December 13, 2019.

Price: 175 Pesos.

I thought it'd be 145 Pesos, this book. But when I got to the Book Sale branch in SM San Lazaro, I was wrong. Luckily, I had enough money in my coin purse to get to 175 Pesos, while still being able to get home via Jeep.

I wanted to buy this edition of the Three Musketeers because when I saw it and tried to read it, I understood what was happening. It read easily in my head, unlike when I tried reading through the Collins Classics translation of the French-written novel. Penguin Books knows how to do their shit.

Plus, there're extra notes in this one. The Collins Classics version had none of that, which makes sense, cause it only costed me 170 Pesos. And that's the original price for the Collins Edition. The Penguins Edition costs more than that, if bought fresh. Since this one came from a second-hand bookstore, the price is down. But technically speaking, I'm getting more than what I paid for with the Penguins Edition... 

