Son of Kong (1933) Brain Farts.

Son of Kong (1933) – Midnight Only

Written: Thursday. August 13, 2020.

  • The Human Characters were great in this movie.
    • the movie itself isn't really focused on Little Baby Kong, but just centered around him. Like a second attempt on making the same movie as before, but on a smaller scale.
      • and the "less is more" saying can be the best description for this movie.
    • Carl Denham is now broke and out of a job thanks to his mistake of capturing Kong in the first movie. He's also somewhat in the run from people. So he escapes to an island, where he meets Hilda Petersen, a young girl who just so happens to want to follow wherever Denham goes.
    • Hilda Petersen is also an interesting character in this story. Her father and his tent is sabotaged by Helstrom, who also lures Denham to a supposed "lost treasure" in Skull Island, which leads Denham (and also Hilda) to revisit the Skull Island.
    • Helstrom was the one who gave Denham the map that would lead to Skull Island, and both him and Denham find themselves at rock bottom, so Helstrom tells Denham of the lost treasure buried deep in the forest of the island. This of course, is a lie made by Helstrom, just so he could board Denham's ship.
    • The ship's crew are also quite an interesting feature of the story.
      • they represent the balance between success and failure in the plot, by taking over command of the ship and sending Denham's team (together with Helstrom) to the damned Skull Island--all because they're afraid of wanting to go back to the island, since so many of their crew members have already suffered in the first movie.
  • The Stop Motion is still very much the "cherry on top" of this 1933 film.
    • the fight scenes between Little Baby Kong and the bear and dinosaurs in the island are still that much rich in flavor with this kind of movie. This visual effect was correctly utilized, especially when there is both stop-motion prop and live-action footage in the same frame, moving around in sync with one another.
    • I barely noticed a fault in the stop-motion of this movie. In the original, whenever King Kong's face was zoomed in tight in the frame, it wasn't a stop motion prop, it was a large mechanically moving head that sort of removed me from the emotional impact King Kong should bring in his scenes.
      • in Son of Kong, that mistake was removed, and Little Kong's face was all stop-motion, which made his believe-ability that much more solid.
  • Even if it's a small movie, a lot can be appreciated with where they went with this film.
    • the focus wasn't really Little Kong, it was the Human Characters that were the real focus of the story.
      • if you're not satisfied with that, know that Little Kong still packs a great punch whenever he interacts with the humans. They made him the complete opposite of King Kong, meaning he was made to be a friendlier character than a wild beast terrorizing the place.
    • Son of Kong is not as good as the first movie, but it sure has a lot that makes it better from it.
