Godzilla vs. Biollante (1989) Brain Farts

Written: Saturday. January 30, 2021.
  • The ending made this movie good.
    • the entirety of the movie was okay. It still only acknowledged Godzilla (1954) & The Return of Godzilla (1984), which kind of makes this the third movie of this weird alternate tangent reality in the Godzilla franchise. It's as if the Heisei era runs on a totally different timeline starting from The Return of Godzilla (1984).
    • The ending is what made this movie good, because the beginning and the middle of the movie was difficult to watch. It was boring. I didn't really care much about the whole sub-plot where there's always this guy who keeps on Terminator-style executing and infiltrating Labs and Government-run facilities, looking for files or important data or keys to a nuclear bomb or whatever. And there were other characters trying to get a scoop of the main plot as the scientists invent a splice cell containing Godzilla's cells and the cells of a flower (which I can't understand how the scientist in the beginning seemed to think that his dead daughter's soul was somehow inside of the flowers which were there when she died because of the sudden earthquake that happened back 5 years ago in that one lab which I can't remember the purpose of being part of the story, cause they spend little time explaining things and just letting us see things unfold as the movie goes).
  • There's a psychic girl in this movie.
    • and again, they spend little to no time explaining how or why in the hell is there a psychic girl in the story. The government seemed to have funded research for this in the last 5 years, but the reason as to why is never clear. This element in the story only factors in to the movie because of the dead daughter of the scientist who accidentally invents an atrocity of science that is Biollante (don't get me wrong. Biollate's design is hella awesome. It's freakishly insane and awesome to have a Godzilla x Flower Kaiju in this insane franchise).
    • The girl's only purpose is to somehow speak with the dead daughter, which the movie posits that is somehow this new kaiju called Biollante. They even do a Mama Mary, and literally show a brief head shot of the dead daughter in the middle of the sky, after Biollante disintegrates itself after its fight against Godzilla (I dunno why, probably because it thinks that its job is over or something since it managed to get Godzilla to fall asleep).
  • I take it back, this movie does nothing for the franchise.
    • sure, it opens doors for militarized children with special abilities. sure, it opens the possibility of splicing other cells into Godzilla's cells (i'm assuming the government still has some of Godzilla's cells lying around after this whole movie. They could manufacture more Kaiju out of their labs as a means to defend the world, or mostly just Japan, from Godzilla, since Godzilla, in this movie, is the bad guy), but if you're just going to have Godzilla suddenly wake up after just going to sleep a mere 5 minutes after Biollante does its thing to him, and send him swimming back to the ocean, then this movie does nothing for the whole franchise. Nothing happened. Godzilla attacked Japan, and then he just swims away just like that. No consequences. It's like nature running its course, but we saw it in the form of a kaiju movie.
  • The older actors were not in this movie.
    • that was just something I anticipated to see in this movie. I tried looking for familiar faces, but this movie has none of the previous actors from the Showa Era. The dead girl was the only recurring actress, since she was the girl from The Return of Godzilla (1984). And they just straight up kill her off after 3 minutes of screen time...
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