Inner Machinations: Entry_025.

Written: Monday. January 4, 2021.

Since Saturday of this new year, I’ve been doing a new pixel artwork. Well, technically what I’m doing is I’m reverse engineering this here art piece that I’m doing. It’s a framed cross-stitch artwork that we’ve had for quite a long time now. A ‘first generation heirloom’ is what I would call this particular antiquity of ours. I’ve had my eyes on it for quite a while now. Probably since early December of last year did my mind decide “I’m gonna make that into a pixel art”.

And so I’m doing that right now. It’s been three days of doing this one piece, and I’m gonna say that this is already the longest duration of an art piece that I’ve made, or still in the process of making. I usually only last a day or even shorter than that, but I’m actually taking my time on this. I’m doing at least an hour or two each day. I don’t really feel like spending too much time a day on it, cause I also wanna finish reading three chapters of a book a day, finish watching episodes of shows that I’m currently watching, etc. I wanna do other things within the day. Plus, why should I rush this, you know? What I’m doing is healthy for me.

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Written: Thursday. January 7, 2021.

I was sick during Tuesday and Wednesday. Now I am not. And that’s the end of that misery.

I had cleaned our room on my own. I think the effect of that was me sneezing for two days. Oddly enough, there were at least three to four full days of not actually sneezing, and then after those days I suddenly began sneezing again. It’s my curse, it’s my life burden. Nothing can stop this. It will happen again in the future, and realizing that — at the age of twenty-two — makes me sad. Not sad sad, but oddly incomplete. Like I know that I’ll forever be an imperfect dude who sneezes the shit out of his nose once certain conditions are met.

Anyway, I finished watching Raised by Wolves, and it was awesome. Can’t wait for season two, although that’s probably not gonna happen for another two years seeing as the state of the world is still complete bullshit right now.

I’m not watching this sci-fi show called Fringe. It’s a somewhat old series about science fiction tropes. It’s like if the things that happened in the Twilight Zone happened in real life, how would the FBI handle that? It’s that kind of show. I’ve only re-watched episode 1 of season 1. If I recall correctly, I probably only got to finish season 1, and fell out of it on season 2.

I’m still in the process of making the Mother & Her Children Cross-Stitch Pixel Art Reverse Engineer project that I’m doing. I didn’t get to do that in the past two days, and now that my sneezing is gone, I’ve got the energy to do it again.

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