Annihilation - Why is it not getting the love?

Written: Tuesday. July 24, 2018.

Lemme get this out of my system.

I’m a bit late on the “Annihilation” buzz. I watched this film a few days ago. A master piece, if you will, to say the least. This movie’s arguably better than Alex Garland’s previous film “Ex Machina”. And it’s a very great, very beautiful Science-Fiction story.

Annihilation is the first book from Author Jeff Vandermeer’s South Range Trilogy. [I have yet to buy and read this trilogy :( ]

Maybe it has something to do with the adaptation from book to movie that it doesn’t receive the glory it deserves. I wouldn’t know, haven’t read it yet. But if I had, and if I didn’t seem bothered by the changes, then why the lack of praise for this film?

Let’s get a few theoretical reasons out of the way, of why this film didn’t get much praise.
  1. Maybe it’s the Slow Pacing of the movie: But that’s bullshit to be a reason for people not to love this film. Because Ex Machina was a Slow-Paced film, and it got dozens of Nominations and Awards. So why wouldn’t this one get praised?
  2. The Mostly-Female Cast: It wasn’t bothersome to me that they were all women. It did make me question it at first. But there’s a scene, there’s dialogue that explains the reason why this group of women are all together to go inside the Alien Infested-Area. Because this particular group/wave of explorers are not the first ones to go in. They already expended their Military Ops. So sexist audiences can suck it.
  3. Maybe it’s because it was released on Netflix: So, just because it wasn’t released in the big-screen(although i’m not really 100% sure on this), the movie doesn’t get the love??
Alex Garland is a Director not to be under-looked. He has a style that is close to Denis Villenueve’s. Maybe, in some aspects, especially in this film for it’s somewhat non-linear story-telling, Garland also compares to Christopher Nolan.

Villenueve and Nolan are two great and well known directors of this generation. Garland is beginning to show what he’s got. And I’m excited for his next films.

Have you even seen these 2 films? Works of Art if you tell me.

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