How To Make The Most Out Of A 24-Hour Day | The Modern Hidalgo

Morning Walks, Lofi Hiphop Radio, Alice in Wonderland, and other things. 

Written: Wednesday. July 3, 2019.

Before I get started with this Daily Journal thing that I have set out to do, let me just quickly share with you guys a single word that would help either you or me, or maybe both, with our vocabulary (the ethereal dictionary inside our heads where we find the best words to use in a sentence or whilst having a deep conversation and you wanna be smart by dropping the high-IQ bomb to your friends.)

The word is Aberration. I’m looking at it now through Merriam-Webster (the online way, not the literal and/or traditional way.)

Aberration has a lot of meanings:
  • the fact or an instance of deviating or being aberrant especially from a moral standard or normal state. (I honestly don’t understand what that meant.)
  • something or someone regarded as atypical and therefore able to be ignored or discounted (nope, not quite there yet.)
  • failure of a mirror, refracting surface, or lens to produce exact point-to-point correspondence between an object and its image (too trivial. Though interesting.)
  • unsoundness or disorder of the mind.

Ah, there we go.

That’s exactly how I choose to define the word Aberration. I mean the reason why I got interested in the word was because I saw it being used on this book I’m currently reading, called Glory Lane (look it up…I’ll wait.)

It was used to describe the main characters (human beings) by an extra-terrestrial sub-character, as unnatural, unusual beings roaming around a blue and green dot in the universe, who spend their time as a race fighting each other instead of working together to achieve advancements for their species. “You humans haven’t even developed advanced space travel, yet.” I think maybe that was a line the book had. I’m too lazy to find it to make sure.

Anyway, I guess that would suffice for our word of the day.
Aberration — unsoundness or disorder of the mind.
In a way, it connects to the theme of this Journal Entry.

Cause lately, I've been doing a lot of things within the day. I've mentioned this in my most recent video. Link is here.

And I talked about how I've set out to do several tasks everyday:
  • Do a morning walk in UST field.
  • Read a chapter of a book, or more, depending on how good the story is getting.
  • Write a daily anecdote, just to exercise the writing muscles.
  • Exercise while watching a TV series episode.
  • Transcribe old writings from 8 or more years ago.
  • Watch another Episode.
  • And then another Episode.
  • Draw something. Anything.
  • And then watch a Movie.
If I finish all those things too early, I’m left with this large amount of free time. And free time is the most dangerous thing to have in this world.
Most of those things, I get to do everyday. Some though, I forget to do. Like Drawing something, or watching a movie. Mainly because I've spent most of my energy for the day, and need to repeat the cycle and wake up at 6 AM to get to my morning walk. And then, you know the rest.

Even if all of those things are present in my Everyday Tasks, if I finish all those things too early, I’m left with this large amount of free time. And free time is the most dangerous thing to have in this world.

The reason why it’s called free time is because we don’t know what to do with it. We didn't set out anything to do for that amount of time in our hands. And yet there it is. So it’s either we make use of it, by washing the dishes or helping out in the house to not be a waste of a human being, or we end up spending that time playing games, or watching multiple vlogs from famous Youtubers and seeing that their lives are TEN TIMES better than how you’re living yours right now…at least those are what negatively happens to me when I have so much time in my hands.

And I guess that’s why I decided to do this Daily Journal.

*I know I said it was a Daily Blog on my Youtube channel, but Journal seems more appropriate, now that I’m finally here, writing down on it.*

So that my “FREE” time does not go to waste, I thought of doing this as a viable means of not wasting that valuable time.
Our bodies need the sleep from 10 PM to 7 AM the most.
Cause, face it guys, we only have 24 hours in a day. Although I know that there’s a way to make it feel like we have more, but that’s by using up the after hours (12 AM - 3 AM. Then waking up at 6 AM.) But that’s gonna cause me to just spend so much of my energy. And it’s unhealthy.

Because our bodies need the sleep from 10 PM to 7 AM the most. Something about our bodies working best within those hours to recuperate, I guess. I dunno.

Hopefully, I get to maintain this level of productivity. So far, it’s going great. I’m currently looking at my word count, cause I’m using Evernote on this, before I transfer it to Medium. And I could see how many words I've written down. Literally as you’re reading this and I’m writing this down.

I might just be stretching this to reach 1000 words a day. Seems like the right amount of words to produce in a day. For a human being, of course.
One quick thing.
Before I started this Entry, I searched up “lofi hip hop radio” from the ChilledCow Channel. I guess the link is right here:

ChilledCow YouTube Channel
I figured it would help get into the vibe.
Listen to this every time you wanna get productive. Trust me.

I figured it would help get into the vibe of writing, since listening to a pod-cast (which I was currently doing awhile ago) would not be a good idea since I’m trying to come up with words, whilst hearing other words from the pod-cast. It’s just not a cohesive endeavor.

Another quick thing, I just bought another book awhile ago. I’m addicted to buying books. I’m not gonna lie. It’s either therapeutic, or an obsession. I think it’s both.

The book is Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. A classic tale. Funny, I was in Fishermall just prior to today. And I was thinking of grabbing a copy of Alice in Wonderland, because I looked through the classics section of National Bookstore, and found the white book cover version of the classic tale. But then awhile ago, I found this one for a cheaper price. Plus it’s Complete and Unabridged, so that means there are no alterations on this copy.
Always go for the Unabridged Versions.
That’s it for the First Daily Journal Entry. I hope you liked reading through it. There will be more to come everyday. So stay tuned for that. I have a lot of topics to discuss. And honestly, I like doing this. It was good. I feel good. I feel fulfilled for the day.

On to the next.

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