My WoT Quest Continues!

Written: Sunday. April 15, 2018.

In my previous posts, I’ve been talking about my journey to find all of the Wheel of Time books by Robert Jordan.

So far, I am in luck. But there are a bit of dark turns to this story. I’ll get to that in a bit.

A bit of stakes-establishing first:
It was a Saturday(technically, it was just Yesterday when all of this happened), and I was going to a birthday celebration of my friend in college. It was at Mall of Asia, in the Philippines. I arrived there from Sampaloc, Manila like within 30 minutes of travel time. So I arrived early.

That was part of the plan, my plan, to be able to browse around the place, but mainly look at the bookstores there. For it has been a long time since I’ve browsed those particular stores.

My Fully Booked 10% Discount Card

There’s this Hierarchy I have when it comes to the local bookstores:
  1. FullyBooked always comes first. I have a discount card that I bought a month ago, that I’ve been using happily since. And given that the store provides better varieties of books, is already a solid win.
  2. BOOK SALE comes second. There’s a reason why I have a love-hate relationship with the store. Although it’s a store that’s obviously “wallet-friendly” it’s variety of books are almost too similar to every branch, that I’m starting to get annoyed. It’s only on the Mall of Asia branch that it doesn’t apply, but i’ll get to that later.
  3. National Book Store. This store is for the masses, and I just hate how they service office supplies more, and disservice their books sections. Plus I have a NBS card, which I have NEVER USED YET IN ANY WAY BUT TO SHOVE IT IN THE TELLER’S FACE WHENEVER THEY ASK FOR IT.

So I went to FullyBooked, and saw the second book of the series, The Great Hunt.

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I didn’t have much money to spare.
I know, stupid of me, right. Moving on.

I went to Book Sale, and saw,

These books were not all of what I found. I also saw The Path of Daggers, and The Crossroads of Twilight. But I had only enough money to buy these two books. So that’s what I did. But here’s the thing that got me tilted about the situation:

Before & After

This book was in pain.

Some readers can’t, to the best of their ability, nurture books, and take care of them, so that they may last longer on the shelves, and be readable and decent. Some, sure, would prefer digital versions of the book. But if you’re really someone who appreciates the wonders of an actual book, then this kind of monstrosity will hit you like a bus.

I encourage everyone else to do this with their books. If you are a constant reader, and you see a situation like this as you go buy in your local bookstore. Don’t hesitate. Fix it. Save it. Don’t let the book die. Don’t let it’s story fade away.

This is a book I’ve been searching for, for a long time already. So it’s painful to see a copy of it, at last, that looks like it was handled by a child. So I did what I could to save it. And although it’s not that perfect, it’s still something to save the book.

I bought A Crown of Swords last Tuesday…in Nation Bookstore…for 300+ pesos…I saw a copy of it on Book Sale…for 85 pesos…

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