Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is actually pretty awesome!

Written: Sunday. July 29, 2018.

I have to say, I’m really digging the new TMNT series. I just really love 2D Animation. Because the feeling you get when watching 2D is just so sensational, that 3D, for me, never gets right.

The story is different. This is not the usual reiteration of the four turtle brothers we all know and love. It’s something fresh, it’s something diverse, and I think all of the negative comments it gets is just because people are so keen on holding on to the past. And that’s painful to accept, because that would be just the same as denying the process of evolution.

I get why it gets bad rep, but it’s not deserved. Incredibly talented writers, animators, and artists put their all into making such a thing as this, and not gaining the love they deserve for that is unbearably wrong. I wish people could give this show a chance. Every TMNT series has always been good. Although maybe not the 2012 series, ’cause it just didn’t quite capture me like the 2003 series. And seeing that they went back to the 2D format is a win on its own. Because even though we can clearly do 3D because of the technological advancements we have today, how does that really affect the story? Don’t get me wrong. But to deny that 2D animations have an unlimited amount of depth to it is stupid. 3D, sure, it’s cool. It has dimensions(see what I did there?) but does it really do service to what you’re doing? I’m gonna stop there. This is just really me babbling about how good of a medium 2D animation is.

But just look at how Avatar: The Last Air-bender and The Legend of Korra came to be. These are two shows that take 2D to a whole new level. Look at Voltron, that’s 2D, but they dash a bit of 3D render into the mix, but still, it’s ultimately 2D.

Just, take a look at this show, watch even just the first episode, and tell me whether or not the fight scenes were cooler, were better, and that watching every land hit actually kind of makes you think you felt that landing.

Downgrade? Nah, this is just knowing the right tools to use in order to make a work of art.

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