The Nth Chapter: Journal Entry_001.

Written: Tuesday. July 12, 2022.

It's been a few days since we moved to our new apartment(house) here in Severina. We're finally back in Parañaque after 8 years. It's been so long. I feel like I've restarted, somewhat. Not necessarily back to square one. There's just that sense of familiarity and ease that I've been getting since we moved back here.

Nobody from before my college life has contacted me after I posted a story on Instagram showing that we've recently moved back to Parañaque. For the most part, that's fine. I'm not that psyched about seeing anyone from my past just yet. The only two who really contacted me after posting that story was Claire and Jaydee.

Claire's two months pregnant. Let's just get that out of that way. I found out via a group chat she and I were in, and one of the people there, who was also with-child, dropped the ball on the group chat, and as I read through their chat, my heart was beating a million miles per second. Hyperbole, but you get the point.

That was big news, but I opted for it not to get the best of me. That was a few weeks ago, and when I posted that IG story last Friday night, she messaged me; surprised at what has occurred under the radar until I voluntarily revealed it to the public eye.

So we chatted. I told her that I moved to Parañaque, and she told me that she was pregnant. Officially, she did. Because that group chat episode was not really me finding out. It was uncool of her to do that, but again, this is a pregnant woman whose got her life all jumbled up just because of the situation that she's in. So it's understandable that it happened the way that it did. No amount of overthinking towards that situation will ever amount to anything.

She said that she was sorry for not greeting me on my birthday this year, and that it was because of the pregnancy thing that she's been too caught up on stuff to remember certain things that need to get done or looked at. I told her it was unforgivable that she would forget to greet me on my birthday, but being the good lad that I am, and also because of the pregnancy factoring in on the whole thing, I decided to give her a pass and forgive her for it. No big deal. She's got a lot on her plate, I wouldn't want to add to it as much as possible.

Anyway, when I told her that only a common friend of mine greeted me, and no one else besides my immediate family, she then proceeded to tell me that she also hasn't been talking to most of her friends lately. She mentioned she wasn't talking to either David or Aitana anymore, because when she approached Aitana about abortion (which she was thinking about probably early on), and not opted to add David in the conversation, David in turn found out about it, and basically went haywire.

To cut it short, he said a lot of hurtful things. Things that had points to them, and were intellectually reasonable points to make, due to the situation that Claire was in, but the delivery of it all was just profoundly disgusting to me. I won't get into detail, but he basically called her pregnancy situation a mistake (non-verbatim), and absolutely recommended to have an abortion.

Luckily enough, Claire was more level-headed than that sociopath, and decided to keep the baby. She's healthy and well, and so is the baby. I hope it stays that way until childbirth. And also to stay that way even after childbirth, if that wasn't clear enough.

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But enough about Pregnancy. Let's talk about this new house I'm living in.

It's definitely bigger than the last apartment we lived in for 5 years. This is a far quieter village to live in. No traffic noise to be heard of every 5-10 fucking seconds. There are dogs all around the neighborhood, but that's fine. They don't bark unless some visible commotion is happening around the area.

We haven't fixed up all of the stuff that we brought in yet. Though I've already fixed my portion of the mess. My books are already placed on the bookshelf. I won't have to share shelf space anymore, I think, because my brother finally has a room for himself. Not necessarily a bedroom, but a computer room, which also has a shelf where he can put all his personal stuff in.

My Desktop Computer is obviously working. I'm not writing this journal entry down on my laptop. The bad news is that the previous internal hard drive for my PC is broken. Can't be read anymore. Good news is that I for sure had no files in there that were important enough to have a copy of. All files were expendable, or disposable, if ever it was lost or corrupted.

It sucks, though. Because the PC is now kind of like a laptop, only that I can't easily move it anywhere I please. I just have to stick an external hard drive in it if I need more space. So my current External Hard Drive is always connected to my PC now. Gotta save up for a new Hard Drive, cause that one will probably end up getting slow in a few months time. Hope not, but let's prepare for the worst outcome.

No internet connection yet. The house's address is somehow blacklisted by PLDT, because the previous owner probably didn't pay the bills before going AWOL. That's a story for another day.

But yeah. I've been using Mobile Data to play Axie, which is the only thing I need internet for, really. I mostly just browse Instagram or Facebook from time to time.

Other than that, I'm spending more time exercising and trying to fix the house little by little. Oh, and I just got started on reading Towers of Midnight awhile ago. Reading in this new house is like the slice of heaven I first got to experience back in 2019. Back when my dad was in the hospital, and all I could do there while I visited was to read the book that I brought with me. It's all peace and quite. The simple life.

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