Paradox — Chapter I : Warp Accident!

In the year 2015, the U.S. Government gathered all of the Scientists in one place, they were gathered because the government had a message from NASA saying that the world has come...will come to an end. One of the Scientists was named Timothy Evans, Tim as they call him, he said, "What if we make a machine that could stop this from happening, what if we make a time machine." The U.S. Government agreed with Tim. So they made a time machine, which was so easy to be done in 2015, but while the procedure was happening, one of the Scientists broke the machine, so the process of the time machine's ability was damaged, after the procedure, the U.S. Govern. decided to make the time machine a time portal. Tim suggested that what if he was the one who will go back to change history, everybody didn't know about the accident that happen during the procedure, so they thought nothing happened. The Scientist who caused the accident went to Tim's Laboratory, the Scientist said, "Mr. Tim, sir, I have something to tell you". "Sorry, got to pack my things and head to the portal" Tim replied. After Tim packed his things and head to the portal, the Scientist really wanted to tell Tim, but if not knowing of the accident, Tim's life may be in grave danger.

-End of Chapter-

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