Paradox — Chapter II: The Portal.

The portal was made out of permafrosted chromites, these chromites are only found in the Chromite Cave found in the east side of Florida, it is the only Cave of its kind. The portal uses Ambion energy which is found where humungous crystal diamonds are found, when these diamonds are held by the hand, the human voice temporarily changes and will sound like when helium gas has been inhaled, it will not affect the throat and will eventually run out in about a minute. At the side of the portal connects a machine that is used to tell you when & where you're going, when this machine is activated, the data it provides mixes with the portal, making the portal follow the setting of time provided by the machine. When this portal is activated, it opens up to a new/old time and place. The next day, Tim went to Church to speak to God and say, "God, for the last two weeks, I have been willing to risk my life to save every single human on earth, please tell me if I'm doing what's right." Closes his eyes a little bit, then opens it, and stands up, and went outside, he then see's the other Scientist that he talked to the other day, he walks up to Tim and says to him, "Oh hey Mr. Tim, how lovely to see you here outside of Church, hey let's go talk about what I had to say the other day." Tim says, "What is it Co-worker (calls him that)." Suddenly, Tim's watch alarmed, Tim was surprised that he had to do something at the that time, then his phone rand, he took it in his right pocket, put it in his ear and the caller was actually the commander, he said to Tim, "Hello Mr. Tim, we have something to discuss with you at this right time, please hurry and meet us at the office, you'll be seeing lots of people during our discussion, some from NASA, some from the White House, including Mr. President, and some only from the press, which reminds me, is that who I think I'm hearing, I think it's my clumsy son thats with you, James!". James said, "yeah dad its me (speaking loudly at the phone)" the commander said to the two, "James, go with Tim to the meeting, you might be useful, esspecially when you have the main object with you, I believe you haven't open the lock yet, huh." James said, "no dad, even though I've tried every number, it won't open" James' dad/ commander said, "Ha Ha Ha, you really are the clumsiest of the clumsy, come to the meeting and I'll open it!" A few seconds past then they heard that the commander hung up on them, so Tim switched the phone off. Tim asked James about the "main object" being with him, James quickly replied that even though he was clumsy, his father wanted him to do this "odd job" and deliver it to the office.

In 2015, the human technology does not change yet, no flying cars, no high tech computers, not even the chip you can put in the brain, not a futuristic sight to be seen, just the 21 century, but there are new discoveries being found, one by one the lifeforms discover new things & new places, But their traveling style hasn't change a bit, so the two Scientists have to take the taxi, they waited two minutes looking for a taxi, then at long last, they found a taxi, the door through shotgun opened, they saw the taxi driver, and he said, "Where to Scientists?" Tim said, "can you take us to the U.S. Government? We have to go there in about five minutes or else we'll be late!" The man said, "Okay boy's Hop on, Oh and hold on to something." The boys open the door to the back seets, went inside, then closed the door, then the car drove quickly, after five mins. the taxi was already at the U.S. Government.

-End of Chapter-

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