Paradox — Chapter III : The Office.

Tim and James finally got to the office, they paused for awhile, said goodbye to the taxi driver because he help them.

Speaking of the office, the office inside of it looks very nice, when somebody goes inside, that somebody feels coldness coming from the aircon. that feels like its the start of an ice age!, several windows are made as the wall of half of the room made to see a better view, looking at, almost the whole city, in the middle of the room there's a long table, 12 chairs, and a dispenser at the side...with disposable cups beside it. It was about 2:30 pm when the meeting started. Tim and James were actually the first two to enter the room, they felt the comfort provided by the airconditioner, then came the NASA coordinators, secretaries, and a Butler, the Secretary spoke to the two, asking for their names and said, "Our Names are Timothy Evans, and James...wait what's your surname James?" "Monroe" (said James) "James Monroe at your service" "Okay your Timothy Evans, and James Monroe." (secretary wrote it in a survey) "Okay thank you" James then said, "What's your name?" "My name is Kurt Johnson! I've been with NASA for over 20 years now, and I've wrote everything that has happened during the years, and I have for you what NASA said three weeks ago." Practically, the thing he'll be saying to the two is the summary of the message.

Dear Commander,

This is NASA, we have something to tell you, the world as we know it has come to an end, tidal waves have surfaced many countries, volcanos starting to errupt, the north and south pole is melting, and there's a giant planet heading towards us, it's called the Oblivion, when it reaches earth, it will destroy it in a glimpse of an eye, removing everything, making a huge super nova erasing every single memory made through the years. These are warning, these things will happen in 5 weeks, so think of a way fast, gather all of the Best Scientists and let them make a thing that could save the world. You have 5 weeks, start!

From NASA.

"So it's called Oblivion, we have 5 weeks, and we have a time machine...portal to be exact." (Tim summarized the letter) "The meeting's starting, here comes the president" (Kurt said.)

-The Meeting-

"Everybody stood up because the President is here." (said the speaker) "Hello every one, I'm here to stay for just awhile, so enjoy your time with me." (said President) "Okay Silence now, what if we get down to business, James, please lend us the main object." James took his suitcase, gave it to the speaker, the speaker proceded to the lock's combination, then it opened, "Okay people, I hope you brought your gas masks, because when I open this you will smell an awful smell, so wear it, wear it NOW!" (opened the case.) In side the case was a substance of Proton, a positively charged atomic particle present in all atomic nuclei, "We will us this substance on Tim here (pointed him) he might get a virus while traveling, now Tim, I will give you this as a protection for your sake, for all of our sake's, and Let God be at ourside too. Enough with that proton first, let's talk about the time and place for you to go to when you travel. Hmm.... Ah yes! Go to World War I, stop the wat and go back." Everything was set, but World War I? Wouldn't it be dangerous, might be when Tim went to that time he would die easily! But every problem has a twist, James acctually forgot of the accident, so Tim's life is still in grave danger? or something un ordinary might happen to Tim? The meeting was done and it lasted for 2 hours. Tim and James were the last one's in the room, Tim went to the window wall, looking downward to the city, thinking that all he is seeing right now might change when he gets back, then he changed his emotion to happiness, then left the room. It may be hard for Tim to be the one who might save the world, but still not knowing of the accident? He might be in a dangerous position. It might lead to death, another time and place, or something that could change him? We might never see Tim again! Is this the end of Tim's life? It might be! Tim again went to Church to talk to Jesus again, "Jesus, please help me in what I'll be doing in 2 weeks? please guide me in what I'll do in order to save my fellow people, now that they're life is in my hands." Then he heard a voice out of nowhere, is sounded like a man that has a fully developed voice, "Do not worry, it will all end soon enough"

-End of Chapter-

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