Paradox — Chapter IV - Two Weeks later.

Two weeks later, the two Scientists, NASA, The Government, and some reporter, and the time portal, went to the pentagon to do the procedure there so Tim and James went near the portal, looked at the people working there, opened the portal and Tim made a speech, "Dear Fellow People Of the world, I am Timothy Evans, Tim as they say, I am going to the greatest journey that will change history and prehistory. We have managed to creat a solution to our very huge problem, I myself, with a little help from my fellow Scientists, especially my good friend James. Well I'm off, see you all in a new life."
"Wait" James said, "Don't go, the machine has a damage" Before James could even say that, Tim already went in the time portal, there was not point to what James said. In Tim's visual, he was like in a black hole, but many colors are seen, then Tim blinked, after the blink, he saw soldiers running for their lives, sound of guns, granades, bombs, crying can be heard, he ran to a safe place under a tree, then his heart beat was so fast that he had to breath so hard, he closed his eye's, while he was resting in a middle of a battle field, a soldier went to the tree herdling himself through safety, "Hey" Tim said "what are you doing? Your letting your country loose!" Soldier looks at Tim and says, "Doctor what are you doing in the middle of war? come with me and you'll be safe!" "Okay soldier". Tim and the soldier went bearfoot through the battlefield used dead units as human shields, they arrived at their base, "What were you doing their doctor? you could have been killed".
"Uh" Tim said, "but I was'nt, right! by the way.......what day is it?" Soldier reply's, "Oh sorry Doc, none of us know the day, because many months have past, we have forgotten, but we know the year, 1914!" At the time Tim heard the present year that the soldier told him, he fainted! leaving him in the floor while the soldiers were looking at him like he was already dead, a few hours have past, Tim woke up and rose from the ground, doing a half kneel while the left knee was on the ground and the right is on a float while his arms were numb because he landed on 'em while falling, his head got a bruise because it landed first, "Ugh, my head hurts." "Relax Doctor". The soldier was still their, for a reason! "You fainted after we told you what year it is, why? I've never seen a person faint because of a single object, most of them faint because of their heart pressure is high." Tim said, "why are you still here soldier, is the over?" Soldier says, "pls. doc, don't call me soldier, have you forgotten my name?" Tim replied, "have I seen you before soldier?" Soldier says, "O' come on doc, of course you know me, I'm James, James Monroe-I your friend, actually your best friend." Tim murmur's, "James Monroe I, can that be, how did we met?" James I said, "I was a patient of yours a year ago, I went to you because I was injured at the arm, after that we had coffee, then we became friends after that." Tim said, "Then what's my name?" "Timothy Evans I" said James(I),"well you do know me," said Tim. "by the way, why were you in the middle of world war I?" Tim tells a lie, "uh, I was taken hostage by the enemies, it seems I got away" "You're very lucky doctor, don't worry, you're always safe here" Tim said, "Inside a war, believe me, in a blink of an eye, you'd get three shot's in random place's of your body". Suddenly, Jame(I) became quiet and at the same time he had an uncertain look at Tim! "D-Doctor, why does your clothes have holes in it? Have you been shot?!" Tim says "What are you talking about James(I)?" James (I) said, "You've been shot!". Tim looks at this robe, finding four holes, but no blood running down him. "How can this be? I've been shot, but I can't feel it!" "Take off your upper cloths my friend, and let's see the problem."
Tim removes his upper clothes, finding four flat bullets in his chest, but it didn't penetrate him, while he and James(I) were looking at the bullets, Tim said, "I was shot, but why didn't it penetrate me? (murmur's) maybe it's because of the time traveling experiment!" Then after Tim said his part, somehow that the commander went in their base and said, "soldier why are you still here? our country is losing, 24 soldiers are dead already, and 6 remains, including you of course...but not me. I've got a life to live you know." Then looks at Tim and says, "Doc, what are you doing here, and why are you half naked?....oh you've been shot, but why are the bullets flat? did it not penetrate you?" Tim says, "we're still finding out why sir. By the way, what's your name?" commander said, "no need to know my name doctor, we have to find out why it didn't penetrate you!". So Timothy saw James Monroe the 1st, he was in world war I, the commander help's Tim for his "unpenetrated", problem! This may really change history, but it's for saving the human race! But why doesn't Tim get penetrated? Maybe we'll find out in a little bit.

-End of Chapter-

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