Paradox — Chapter V - The Bennet.

While at the present time, James was looking at the intel on Tim, apparently the accident didn't affect the intel, so they can still know what's goin on in 1912. "What's this?" James saw the incident, that happened to Tim, he was surprised that Tim didn't get penetrated by the shots in his chest, and because Tim saw James' Grandfather James Monroe I. Before Tim left his present time, James gave him a walkie-talike, this is no ordinary walkie-talkie, it used longdistant calls and was combined with the 2 uncommon elements called pyrophoric plutonium, and uranium petroxide. Pyrophoric plutonium consists of a metallic element having up to 25 isotopes, making nuclear reactors, which can make a wild spark from time to time, and was discovered in 2011 in an experiment that was made with the components of plutonium, there were reports that a substance of an unknown chemical was added and was called "the green matter", it appears to not cause any radiation, scientists have studied this and has now discovered and declared a new element called pyrophoricplutonium, on the other hand, there's this element called uranium petroxide, it's a metallic radioactive chemical element, combined with raw oil found from the ground that has a compound of oxygen. "Tim, how's it going?" Tim heard James'es voice and took the walkie-talkie and went to a place where James(I) and the commander wont hear him, "james, How's it going there?" James said, "It is beginning my friend, the end!, tidal waves are coming towards America, because the north pole is melting, so thus the south pole, apparently, we are starting to build an underground base, till then, we're still afraid of the tidal wave's, I was told that during World War I, our country was hiding secret technologies that were made by a scientist who still live's till this very day, surprisingly he still looks young, I don't know his name, but I think my Grandpa knows". Tim said, "I saw your Grandfather, apparently my grandfather was a friend of him , so he thinks I'm him (Timothy Evans the I)." James said, "Talk to him about the scientist, maybe he know's, okay for the second time, you're our only hope, fare well my friend!" Tim said, "Farewell too, my friend." James turned off the walkie-talkie. Back to 1914, Tim went back to James(I) and the commander, "James, do you know anything about the secret technologies, (tells another lie) the country who captured me was talking about these, what actually are these technologies?" James went outside looking for anyone who could suspect them, apparently, there were none, so he closed the door, there were three lock pads on the door, he locked them quickly, then went to close the windows. James asked "How do you know about these secret tech? And why do they know it too? Maybe that's why this war started, for them to have the secret tech!" James(I) went to get something from his stuff, it was a safe, made from titanium alloy, with a radioactive sign in each side, the commander said, "we present to you the secret tech, it's still in a safe because only "he" knows the lock combination" Tim said, "Who's "he"?". James(I) said, "we met him 2 weeks before this war began, he said to us tht we must keep it until the day a scientist is in the middle of a warground, you will see him under a tree, talk to him, lead him to your base, and you will notice that he has been shot, but it won't penetrate him, then he'll be talking about this "secret tech", that's the time you show to him the safe, then after that, tell him where I am, he has to, it's the only way to change what's going to happen to us when two thousand years and fifteen more has ended!, go with him in his mission, but first finish the war, but do it quick, you know what to do. then I said, "how do you know all these?" "Just do it!" he said, then after that he went away, he is right for what he said so far, his name was William Bennet, he was known as the Bennet, he had the same sympthoms as you, and he was immune to the laws of aging, we still don't know if you also have that immune system, so first we have to finish this war, I have a plan, first you go to their base, their first reaction is...they'll shoot you, then after that you'll throw a granade and stay there, wait for the granade to blow up and see if there are still survivors, take their wweapons, shoot them in the head, then look for their weapons, shoot them in the head, then look for their battle plan, blueprints, etc." Tim said, "Got it". James lead him to their weapon section, then Tim took only one granade, then went out, going to their base, only walking towards it, because he know's he cannot be penetrated, then after a few hours, he was in their base, having a lot of shots in his body, even at his head, at his arms, and feet, he removed it one by one, then his clothes were full of holes, so he had to change, luckily, there were dead soldiers on the ground, so he took their clothes, apparently the clothes he wore looked like the cloths of the Enemy country, so when Tim get's there, the commander and the other officers would think he's one of them, Tim went to the enemy base, nobody suspected him to be another person, just an ordinary soldier, Tim proceeded to his mission, he took the granade and throwed it in the middle of their base, five seconds later, the granade blew up and there were no impact on Tim, it blew up pretty strong that nobody survived except Tim, he looked for the battle plans, blueprints, etc., after he found those items, he saw a survivor, the survivor talked to him and said, "who are you?". When the survivor said that, the the tone of his voice sounded like his last, then after that he died, Tim made the sign of the cross and said, "may your soul be in peace." then Tim went out of the enemy base with the battle plans and blue prints etc. then he went to their base walking again, after a few hours, his clothes were filled with holes again because the war was still active, after a while, he reached their base, the commander saw Tim, but he thought Tim was an enemy soldier because of his clothes, immediately, he took his weapon and aimed it at Tim, he started to shoot him, the commander notice that the solder was still walking towards them, James(I) stopped the commander from shooting the soldier, because he already knew that soldier is Tim. "Drop your weapon, it's me Tim!" the commander said to Tim, "Oh sorry, I didn't recognize you with those clothes, what happened to your clothes?" Tim said, "it had too many shots, it got ripped off, see I decided to wear this for a while, although I do have my extra clothes in my suitcase, I'll take these clothes off when I get my suitcase." James(I) and Tim was looking at a radar, the radar was telling that there are incoming forces targeted in their base, James(I) said, "Tim, your'e the only one who could take those missles out, go out and see if the missles are coming" Tim said, "okay". Then Tim went outside of their base and saw a missle heading towards him, he closed is eyes waiting for the impact, when he opened his eyes, James(I) and the commander was looking straight at Tim, "are you okay?" James(I) asked, "why what happened?" Tim said, James(I) said, "You took impact on the missile, lot of blood has been lost, but there are no signs of wounds or cuts on your body, maybe it's another one of your sympthoms, we really have to know what's happening to you". Tim said, "commander, here are the battle plans of the enemy country, I'll keep the blueprints for safe keeping; it might give us some help in the way, by the way, where does this William Bennet live?" James(I) said, "He live's in the east side of florida." Tim replied, "that's where the chromite's are!!!"

-End of Chapter-

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