Paradox — Chapter VI: The Lab

(Day 5: 2015: The Oblivion)

The Fifth day after Tim's travel, the planet Oblivion is heading towards the asteroid belt, two days ago, it has destroyed the first two planets, mercury and venus, James took the walkie-talkie that he used to communicate with Tim from the distant times and said, "Hello Tim, this is James speaking." Tim heard his walkie-talkie and moved to a place where James(I) can't here, "Hey James, how'sit goin', did any history change?" James replied, "no my friend, nothing has changed, and the oblivion is still heading towards earth. I believe we can't send you back here anymore, i'm sorry my friend, but I think you're stuck there forever, but you still have a chance, have you met this scientist yet?" Tim said, "not yet James, but we're heading to the east side of Florida, wait!, hows the underground base going?" James said, "we have not yet finished the base, but we have gathered all the survivors, and we have also estimated the time we have before the oblivion, we have less than 4 days to survive, the impact of the planet oblivion will destroy the entire planet earth, so until then, goodbye my friend." James turned off his walkie-talkie, and so thus Tim did, Tim and James(I) was out of the war, thinking of a way to get from their present state to Florida, James(I) said, "why did you keep the blue prints any way?" Tim said, "These blue prints show how to create war tanks, airforce, and battle ships. So I was wondering if all of these were to be combined as one." James(I)said, "if you were to combine all of these machines, as one, you need my help." Tim positioned his feet flat on the ground standing and said, "Okay soldier, let the building begin!". The blue prints gave Tim and James(I) everything they needed to build this machine. There was something bothering Tim's head, "Where are we going to find the equipment we need in order to build this machine?" James(I) said, "what about your underground laboratory, a lot of stuff is in there, and it's only a few blocks away from where we stand." Tim said, "I have an underground laboratory". Surprisingly, Tim's grand father had an underground laboratory, now they have to go there and get the supplies they need in order to build the machine. "Are we there yet?" Tim said, James(I) said, "yeah we are, right about here." Tim didn't see any laboratory in sight, and he asked, "I can't see any laboratory." Tim said, James(I) said, "look down." Tim saw nothing but pure ground, until he saw some words, the words say "EVANS CORPORATION.". Tim said, "It's the gateway to the underground lab, I'll open it." The gateway was made out of unregistered metal, it means that it's an unknown kind of metal, with a magnetic force being active, when they got near the entrance, James' dog tag magnetized the gateway. After they opened the gateway to the underground lab, they had to go down the ladder connected to the wall, minutes later, they were inside the underground base, Tim was surprised that his grand father's inventions were there and he could actually see it in person, James(I) said, "Let's get started!" In side the underground lab., there are 7 sectors, the first sector contains chemical based experiments used for atomic bombing, the second sector contains robotic technology and their prototypes, the third sector contains all the metal they need for the machine, so that's the first place they'll go to, the fourth sector contains different kinds of blueprints, the fifth sector contains Animal facility, it's where they keep the animals for examination, extermination, and experimentation. The sixth sector contains all the bolts and screws they need to tighten up the machine, and the seventh contains unknown energy. And there are 4 rooms, the first room is where they do the procedures, the second is where they put the regects, the third is where they put all the complete experiments, the fourth is where they build the mechanical...stuff. "so...where do we go first?" James(I) said, while Tim was still looking at the guides, then he looked at James(I) and said, "we should go to sector three first, there we'll have all the metal we need, then we got to sector 7 and find out that unknown energy, let's go!" The two went to the third floor, where the third sector is, after a few minutes, they were at the sector 3 already, a lot of metal was in there, Tim took the finest metal they need, then proceeded to sector 7. They were at the seventh floor and saw a strong light towards them, they came closer to the light and saw something they haven't seen ever before, it was a cross reactor. A cross reactor is a source of electricity that can power up something big. Tim and James(I) were thinking of the same thing, they actually needed the cross reactor for the machine, but how can a little thing contain so much power, Tim suggested, "if we're going to put the cross reactor in the machine, we might as well use cube conversion." James(I) said, "cube conversion?". James(I) doesn't know about cube conversion yet. Cube conversion stands for a cube that can transform into anything that it is formatted to, it is made to a cube for easy packing, so all Tim has to do is to connect the cross reactor and the cube to activate the machine. The first thing they have to do is to create the cube, first they have to make a cube out of computer technology that has a size of an ant, the only way to do that is to use chrono technology, it binds all the statistics of a computer into a chip. Then we add a scanner, so if the two already made a tank, plane, ship, and more, the cube would just scan these and will automatically be formatted to the cube's transformations. Tim will also add in aremote for the cube, therefore the cube would just follow the remote. James(I) suggested to build the tank already, so Tim agreed and went towards room four, a few minutes later, the two was inside room four, a lot of equipment were there, there were different kinds of hammers, wrenches, saws, screwdrivers, flamethrowers, and more. They took the blue prints for the tanks and made a flush model that has about 2 feet of size. The structure of that flush model is similar to what they're going to build. After hours of building what they desire, something came up to Tim's mind, it was about the blueprints, he was thinking of just scanning the blueprints so that they wouldn't waist time. Tim took the cube and the blueprints, James offered some help to Tim and held up the blueprints. Tim raised the cube in front of the blue prints and set the remote command to scan, immediately, a green light came out of the cube moving at the blue prints up and down making the concept of scanning. After minutes of scanning, the memory of the cube was half full, leaving an empty space for some other scanning to be done. Finally after hours of building and scanning it's time for their adventure to continue.

-End of Chapter-

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