Paradox — Chapter VII : Another story

(Day 9:2015:The End)

The ninth and last day of the human race, waiting for the end to come. The present James was planning on destroying the oblivion before it hit's the planet, so he had to go to the U.S Pentagon to know when will the oblivion take impact. James went to the supervisor and asked him where the commander is, the supervisor replied, "he's in a meeting with some one." James asked, "I don't have time, I need to see him right now." the supervisor said, "please sir, this is a special meeting between him and William Bennet!" James said, "Bennet is here, then I'll have to see him too!". The supervisor organized a meeting with the commander, James, and William at 3:30pm in room 43. It was 12:30pm and James is still waiting for the two. So minutes later, James went to the nearest Comfort Room and went to a cubicle, minutes later, he was done using the cubicle and went outside of the comfort room. It was 1:10pm, James went back to his former place position, the minute he got there, he suddenly agreed to go outside to pass the remaining time. James passed the time on looking at the oblivion. For the past days, the planet oblivion is too close to the planet, it can be seen even at day. It was 3:20pm, James went back inside to get ready for the meeting and proceeded to room 43. Ten minutes later, the meeting started. The commander said, "nice to see you my boy!" James replied, "you too dad. Oh, and nice to see you Mr. Bennet." Bennet replied, "It's nice to see you again too!" James asked, "But this is our first meeting together, why did you say "again"?" William said, "We've met before, but in another time period! You see, when you're imortal, you're in every time, every place, no one kills you, not even you." James said, "so, we're met before?" Bennet said, "if I were you, the right term should be, we'll meet before!" James said, "I don't know what you mean!?" Bennet said, "Don't worry! You'll know later on." As William and James'es conversation continue's, the commander butts in saying, "You two do know it's time for the meeting, so settle down and take a seat!" James said, "So why is William Bennet here again?" Bennet said, "I came here to tell you guys my master plan. Yousee, not only that I live for a long time, not only that I couldn't be penetrated by any thing, it is because I see the un seen!" James said, "so you're a fortune teller, or something like that?" William Bennet said, "you could say that." the commander said, "William here told me about that awhile ago, he said that to destroy the oblivion is to find the 13 crystals!"
James said, "What are the 13 crystals?" Bennet replied, "Oblivion isn't a planet, it's a spaceship!" James said, "A spaceship?" Bennet said, "surprised huh? I'd be if you weren't." James said, "If it's a space ship, there should be a captain." "Indeed" says Bennet, "take for example a Pirate Crew, there's always a captain, along with it's shipmates. But this ship is being controlled by extra terrestrials. It's coming here for a reason!" the commander said, "we have something, that they need." James said, "what's that?" Bennet replied, "The 13 crystals, we already know one crystal, the permafrosted chromites, now all we need to find are the other 12." james said, "where are they?" Benner said, "this part is where my master plan take place. I need you to travel back in time." James said, "It's too late now, the portal's broken!" the commander said, "Why's it broken?" James said, "I accidentally broke it before Tim went to 1914." Bennet said, "Don't worry, I'll fix it!" the commander and James said, "How?" Bennet replied, "I know everything remember!" the commander and James said, "Oh!" Then after that conversation, The three headed back to the laboratory and took a look at the Time portal's damage, "This does not look good!" Bennet said. James said, "Why, is there something wrong?" Bennet said, "You're not supposed to time travel with this, 'cause the machine's broken! The machine's the one that tells the portal what time will it set course to, if you time travel without further commands, you might end up in an unknown time dimension! So we need a car." James asked, "why do we need a car for?" Bennet replied, "We're going to make a time machine out of a car! Don't worry, i'll just grab a piece of chromite from the time portal, you get the Ambion crystals, and let the commander deal with the car." Bennet cracked a piece of the portal, then James took a supply of Ambion crystal, then after that they went outside to get the car. They went to the commander's house and went to his garage. The commander said, "here's my car!" James said, "Thank's for letting us use it dad!" then he said, "Any time m' boy, Anytime!" Then Bennet addapted the chromites
to the engine, James placed the Ambion crystals at the car's batteries. When the two were done, William said, "simple as that!" James asked, "is that it? is it done? then William said, "There is another thing we're supposed to do, and it's the most important!" Then James had a questioning face and said, "what's that?" Then William said, "The radio!" James said, "What about the radio?" Will said, "The radio is the one that will tell the car when and where will it set course to, so we have to fix the time." Then William went inside of the car and changed the rime of the radio to the year 1914, then he went outside of the car. Bennet said, "Finished! Now you can time travel with this car! I also changed it's course to the east side of Florida, so you could have a head start on meeting me." James said, "Ok!" Then James went inside the car and started the engine. James suddenly had a question in his mind, "Wait...How can I activate it's Time traveling system?" Bennet said, "Once you have driven a mile, it will automatically activate it's time traviling process." James said, "Oh,Ok!" Then James drove a mile, then a stream of light shined infront of him, then the light was gone. James is now an official time traveler, and is now at the east side of Florida in the year 1914.

-End of Chapter-

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