Paradox — Chapter VIII : Another Crystal. (Prologue)

(Day 9: 1914: Airport)

Mean while, at 1914, Tim and James went to the airport to try their new technologies. Tim was surprised to see that all the planes were wreck. "Looks like we can use the cube here without any body seeing us use it." Tim said. James(I) said, "Yeah, smart thinking Tim!" Tim said, "Why thank you James!" Then James(I) handed over the remote to Tim, then Tim pushed the button for making the cube an airplane, minutes later, the cube suddenly changes it's form, making itself bigger, forming into an airplane. James(I) said, "That's some machine you got there!" Then Tim said, "No need to thank me my dear James(I), you did your part too!" The airplane can carry 2 men, 1 for the pilot, and one for the passenger. The whole body was made out of titanium alloy, a strong metallic element used to make light weight alloys, even in standard mode, the cube is still titanium, because the cross reactor wouldn't work with any other kind of metal. The two travelers went inside the air plane, James was the pilot, and Tim was the passenger. James(I) said, "to Florida!" then he started the engine, and flew up high before anybody would suspect them. Since the war is still active, Tim added a barrier for every transformation that the cube emit's. Tim said, "You should better activate the barrier button at the left side of the controls, so our trip would be nice and safe." Then James(I) looked at the left side of the controls, finding a red button that says, "BARRIER", James pushed the button, later on, a blue bubble like figure took over the whole plane, making a barrier. James said, "you make a lot of weird inventions my friend, I'm starting to think you're a genius!" Tim said, "You have no idea!" then continued their cruise. 2 hours later, they saw the air port of Florida. Tim said, "deactivate the barrier button, then head for land. James(I) looked at the left side of the controls then pushed the barrier button, and headed for land. Tim said, "Where does Bennet live anyway?" James(I)said, "He's in some laboratory or something." Tim said, "wait, something's going through my mind... Bennet's blocks away!" Tim has symptomatically known where Bennet is, t'was like his mind! Then Tim took the remote from his pocket and pushed the standard button, the air plane started to loose figure, and minutes later, it formed into a cube, then they continued walking. While they were walking on the road, a light shined at the left side of the road, making sparks everywhere. It sounded like a car driving through. Seconds later, the light and sparks were gone, it become foggy, and almost nothing can be seen, the fog cleared up, and a figure of a car can be seen, the door through the driver seat opened up, and an unknown man with a white coat went out of the car facing backwards, then he closed the front door. Obviously, Nobody from the two travelers knew this man. Then the man took something from his right pocket, it seemed to be a walkie-talkie, he raised it up, seemingly to put it in front of his mouth. Tim's walkie-talkie suddenly talked, together with the unknown man, "Hello, Tim can you hear me? over." Tim and James(I) were surprised that Tim's walkie-talkie and the unknown man said the same thing. Tim took his walkie-talkie and said, " that you?" then the man and the walkie-talkie that sound's like James said, "yeah Tim it's me James, I can hear you loud and clear. Did you know I'm in 1914?" Then Tim said, "Yeah I could see that!" Then James asked, "What do you mean?" Tim said, "look behind you." James looked behind and saw Tim and James(I), " that you?" then Tim said, "'s me...over!" Then after that, James'es heart beated so fast, he fainted afterwards, his head was first next to his arms and body. Tim said to James(I), "James, I'm going to carry him to the car, you can't touch him in every way, 'cause it might make a total time paradox, once you've touched him, it might even destroy the whole space time continuum!" James(I) said, "Why, what's going to happen?" then Tim said, "If you however touch his skin, there might be a chemical reaction about your cells and his cells, making a change on the course of time. James was born in the future, you were born... some years before 1914, he might not even exist after you touch him, he will be lost in the thin air." James(I) said, "that's bullshit man, nothing would happen to him, I'd even touch him for five seconds just to prove it to you!" then James(I) came closer to James and touched him for mearly five seconds, nothing dangerous happened. Tim went to James(I) and said, "disregard what I said awhile ago!" Tim carried James to the car's backseat, James(I) went to the car's engine, seeing a crystal in the car's batteries and also in the engine, the crystals of the batteries are the Ambion crystals, and the Chromite crystal is in the engine. Time hurriedly say, "Don't touch it James, it's a Chromite." James said, "which one, the one in the engine or the one in the batteries?" Tim said, "the engine!" James stepped away from the car. Tim went out side the car and into the engine, he removed the chromite out of the engine, and placed it in a capsule, he didn't removed the Ambion crystal, 'cause he realized that the car doesn't have to run on gas any more, it is now electrical. Tim said, "I'll sit in front, you drive, your grandson in the backseat." James said, "I still can't believe he's my grandson!"

-End of Chapter-

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